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  • I'd be happy to assist provided that there is no existing network (or a very limited network) in place. The problem for example with VCGS is that they make the body corporate sign 5 or 10 year leases on the infrastructure, and so thus does it ensure that VCGS gets a big return on their investment.

    If there is no existing network, implementation can range from as little as a few hundred rands per dwelling, to as much as 10K per dwelling, depending on what you want, the size of the estate, and the geographical layout. If you want, I can assist you but you need to give me much more information in order for me to do so.

    Should we only look at Voice and Data, solutions providing 100mbit/s clean fiber to each home can be provided for as little as about 1K per home. Will it be possible for you to send me a map of the estate, and also how many homes are involved? a URL or something perhaps?


    We are currently exploring FTTH oppertunities consiting of full triple play services, Data, Voice, as well as RF / IPTV. Security such as CCTV and the likes can also very easily be added to the solution. Our principals are based on open network standards where either us, or the body corporate of the estates owns the fiber optic network.

    We believe, as well as promote open access to these networks and any ISP in South Africa can bring in data pipes, and connect directly to the entire estate, or only certain houses which whish to use them. This means that all members in the estate has full choice when it comes to which ISP they want to use, both in terms of price, as well as service offerings.

    I'd be very interested to chat with you to see what we can do, should you be interested.

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