I checked last year I submitted on open day 1 July 2023 and was only paid out on the 11th July. Maybe I will have to wait till the 28th August.
no details have changed since then. I never ran a SOA last year.
mine also the same with Refund status: No Refund Due Submitted on the 15th. no corrispondance from SARS since then. I did call and they said nothing to be done from my side. Everything on the portal under my details is correct and shows verifed.
My wife had the same issue with Refund Reversal. Called SARS and the consultant told her they just need to verify her bank details which has not changed in 13 years and will take 21 working days. She was not asked to upload anything.
Also Just got off the phone with SARS with my SOA showing payment then reversal. They told me it should not have reversed and they have been having numerous calls with regards to this issue. They said seems to be a system problem on their side.
Websites not loading. I switched my pc on and then gmail takes forever to open mails, etc. i ran mtr and saw a lot of packet loss in CT. Then tried ping plotter and it was the other way around with packet loss after 1st hop to CT. Then it clears up after a min or so
Think i need to reboot...