Hi just want to know if anyone else experienced this issue. My internet connection ended abruptly and upon my investigation(i.e reset or reboot??), I was met with a QR code and the screen info read. No connection, scan for details. I scanned the thingie and all it did was take me to a site to...
I also need help. I use the P160 S2 to report electricity usage to the landowner. I do not have it plugged in permanently as it is only used for reporting. It worked fine last month and I was able to do the normal Info0014 but today I plugged it in. It took a long time to register and when I do...
Is there anyone who can assist with contact persons online for Rain Mobile so that I can change my payment date? Everything other than their website, app or telephonically.
Please assist if possible.
Hi, I tried this advice that you gave. I had a Telkom LTI box but it tried to update when we had a power outage, now that box is no more. I stay in a little mining town with not to many choices when you meed electronics, so we bought an H96 Max 4k ultra HD tv box. Do you have any other ideas to...