Why is the Republican party so pro Abortion ban?
Well, wouldn't you be against something that'll **** with your supply?
I mean who else is against abortion and birth control?
The Church?
Nooo, gtfooh, for real? What a surprise.
Likely as not. If the US gov really wants you dead, you'll be dead.
This seems more like he finally pissed off either his base, the Russians, the Mafia or Roger Stone. Or all of them. Or he is the useful idjit that now might be more useful as a martyr. Lol. A multi millionaire martyr. He should...
The problem with that is that wealth allots you certain abilities, especially when it comes to prosecution or even having a case of Sexual Assault (against a child or otherwise) be reported. I think you'll find that the only reason a lot of poor people end up in prison when they engage in...
Also, obviously there are poor pedo's, but I'd wager that the representation of that (and whatever else - like sex slave trafficking etc.) happens way more within the milieu of the obscenely wealthy.
Yeah so, mobile phones anyone?
You know if it was only Hezbollah fighters that's one thing, but it wasn't. And now they've opened up Pandora's box as far as these types of attack vectors go.
Ah yes, the old up-the-twat-throat slit, well known prebirth way, as opposed to the preferred method of Christians and conservatives in the US which is post birth using bullets and the like.
If ever there was a reason why people should never have millions in expendable income and all the power that it buys, it is what rich, famous &/ attention starved humans get up to in the dark.
Thing is, even if this is some 3D chess move on the right to get sympathy votes for Trump, he might not even be aware of it.
But I'll tell you who would likely be if that was the case, and why would even consider it a possiblity: