Finally sold my 2011 1.6 Polo Tiptronic with 215k km on. Bought me this and am loving it. Huge upgrade from a 2011 polo lol. I only buy a new car after a decade or so, and before it's fix cost outweighs it's value. I try to buy cars that will last mechanically.
LOL! Exactly this. It's friends of ours, and the guy is 60 years old, so I didn't make a fuss, but their propensity to believe fake news immediately without a second thought is so foreign to me. I can't be that gullible if I tried.
Had someone on the weekend tell me 'Fossil Fuels' is a term coined by a Rockafeller in the 1800's to push prices up, and no fossil fuel can run out, and does not take millions of years to be formed. Anyone else ever heard this one lol?
They walk among us.
The professional wolf criers must be all sorts of mad now. And for that matter a few on this forum. The way the 702 'producer' spoke as if it was a foregone guilty conclusion, and every other media outlet. Disgusting media, and the zombies love it.
There's a sense when you go there, and SAPS is the same story, and government hospitals. It all feels like places stuck in the 90's. They just never evolved. The floors walls and ceilings never painted. Broken windows. That 90's school building feel.
I have no idea, but the general quality of our parks is very high, always clean, and mostly safe. Anti Poaching has also seen a massive effort the last years, and it's a cash cow with foreigners paying R500-R1000 per day in conservation fees. They also seem to recover exceptionally after floods...
We going to KNP in December. Its the same as it was 20 years ago. Same chalets. Same Rondavels. But SANPArks does seem like one of the better run departments by Gov.
US corruption - Build the bridge, but add a few costs and keep that.
ANC corruption - Screw the bridge, quote for 10 times the cost, leave some bricks at the scene, profit.
Who needs to go to HA ever these days? Passport and ID from bank is the high IQ way. Car license from FNB. Just that pesky Drivers License renewal that needs to be 10 years.
I stopped playing MP games ages ago. I went through the WOW/Dota/CS years and then just didn't want to play online ever again. I play with one or two friends in campaign games like Remnant and things like that. But MP games I have just outgrown and dont want to get mad anymore lol
100%. Born in 86 so I also grew up with the games and the industry. My folks still frown at it lol (Are you still playing those TV games?). My kid loves it, and her friends think Im the coolest dad with a PS5 and gaming PC and all that.
Almost 40 and never grew out of it. 3 of my favorite...