6 million free passes Goy!!!
Superiority, impunity and immunity is their birthright.
Lets be grateful they let us live. Next vaccine they deign to share might be as bad as the reset disease. :unsure:
Be like the many other Goy in this thread: On your knees, grateful. Consume, consume consume...
Citadelle took us 3 hours, 13 minutes. Damn. What a great gaming session
But we got is done. Got the rewards for completion before Directed mode drops.
I be strutting in my Operator skin :)
Yay for the new 'moderate' Isis and Al Qaeda etc. Beneficiaries and Friends of Empire. They were so misunderstood. Real heroes. WOOOT!!!!!
**** Isreal. **** NATO
They are human oxymorons. Just not sure if purposefully, or just completely unaware.
Around the world Joe Soap is increasingly aware of, and bound to feel some way about people committing and/or cheerleading the genocide. Particularly when they act with impunity.
This incident with the...
I hope this shakes out with countries forming new alternative trade partners, and even encourage some to start the industries that were importing in their own countries instead.
Know America is the biggest customer, but damn, how long will you let them dictate everything
Been seeing reports that it is also not just China that plans on rewarding draconian trade measures and etiquette with a like response.
Canada, Mexico etc have also been quick to make public utterances regrading Trumps tariffs everywhere
No use. The myopic zio shills here will swallow the lies, and even after being shown it was lies, will overlook, ignore, forget it was lies and liars. And still defend them and the lies with utmost conviction. So sure are they in their hubris and delusion.
You are risking catching their stupid...