Did that earlier today but we have not had any confirmation about the cause of the outage or when it will be fixed. What is the normal turnaround time from vuma aerial to deal with these issues?
Same area, same issue. If you have any feedback as to what the problem is and when it will be restored that would be good. Multiple ISP customers in my complex are affected so we need to know if this is a local break to us or more widespread.
So is it just Cool Ideas who are out? Neighbours seem to be running fine on their ISP’s - same Vumatel Aerial network.
Surely they (ISP) must have backup contingencies and can’t rely on only one line?
I am moving to a new place and the only fibre option is this Vumatel Aerial. What exactly is this? Sounds like something similar to LTE / 5G. Is there no cable into the premises?
I am having some international connectivity issues on Yutiliti this afternoon. Anybody else?
Can connect to some big sites like Facebook, but others it won't load. Hoping this is a minor problem and not some big undersea cable that's broken.
Anybody else?
I remember watching the test pattern in 1976 when TV came to the country. Before that our entertainment was listening to radio shows like Squad Cars, Men From The Ministry, Jet Jungle, etc.
Those were care free days.
I had rubella. Survived.
I had mumps. Survived.
I had measles. Survived.
I had chicken pox. Survived.
I had hepatitus A. Survived.
Bring on your frikking covid.
These covid shots are not vaccines, are they? If they were vaccines there wouldn’t be a discussion. What they are is a big fat cash cow for an industry that is known to lie for profit.
They can keep it. I‘ll take my chances with my own immune system.
I went offline again today. No warning.
November may be my last month with Yutiliti. Will definitely be in touch with Ghost Fibre for takeover in December. May as well stick with Lightstruck to simplify things.
So what happens now if you want to switch providers or even networks? Does the existing provider come and collect their hardware and push off, leaving the new one to bring new hardware? If you are using a different network provider are they allowed to use the same conduit that the first one used...