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  1. WraithFiend

    MyBB Path of Exile Intro, FAQ, Chat and Players

    Make sure your resistance is capped asap, or at least carry the type of flask for the area (kaoms being fire etc) Another thing to remember is some builds go full ES, but your ES value is only high enough at a later stage, so you might need to hybrid till a comfortable level of ES and then...
  2. WraithFiend

    Vampire: The Masquerade - Bloodlines 2

    Niiiiiiiiiiiiice :D
  3. WraithFiend

    MyBB Path of Exile Intro, FAQ, Chat and Players

    Sounds like you found a decent person in the community :D I hate it when I sell an item and I can already see that the dude is flipping me. I honestly don't mind if you snipe something for cheap from me for your build (gj, you beat me and you're going to use it!) But if you're just gonna flip...
  4. WraithFiend

    MyBB Path of Exile Intro, FAQ, Chat and Players

    If you're going CoC Cyclone, just get a cospri's and a lycosidae, and you're good to go. Played it last league and was pretty smooth. Just make sure about your attack speed requirements vs cdr for the spells otherwise it's a massive dps loss. Started off synthesis as a Blink Arrow / Mirror...
  5. WraithFiend - where are you ?

    ooooh another WrG... Been a really long time since I've spoken to rocketboy, I still send him the occasional *fondelz* And sadly we had to take in lycankid (lyynus). But I remind him from time to time how I used to farm him on the infantry server :D
  6. WraithFiend - where are you ?

    Hahaha, not gonna lie I do miss joining one of the 'ballie' squads and dropping them a: "Aweeh you guys mind if I join?!" :D
  7. WraithFiend - where are you ?

    I remember a fair amount of comments about pod surfing or something along those lines :D I made enough of a name for myself in BF2, sadly only after all the apparent 'gods' left the game. :p +SSG+PipeBombSeun101 All I ended up getting from BF2 was a lazy pinky from all crouch / prone / run...
  8. WraithFiend - where are you ?

    Dominated is a very 'strong' word to use. :)
  9. WraithFiend

    Apex Legends - Battle Royale/Hero shooter from creators of Titanfall

    Have you tried setting the game to windows 7 compatibility? Friend of mine was having quite a few issues when he just reinstalled windows 10, and put it on win7 compatibility. Seemed to have helped. Although after recent bug fixes and patches he's back on normal win10 game, and it doesn't...
  10. WraithFiend

    Apex Legends - Battle Royale/Hero shooter from creators of Titanfall

    Ahhh yeah, I googled around a bit more and found the dmg stats for the weps :D
  11. WraithFiend

    Apex Legends - Battle Royale/Hero shooter from creators of Titanfall

    Buuuut, ye. They need to nerf the wingman imo. If you go 1v1 against any person that can actually aim, you will lose the battle vs a wingman. Wingman: 45dmg body shot; 153 dps (body) R-301: 14dmg body shot; 168 dps (body) R-99: 12dmg body shot; 216 dps (body) So the only option is to not miss...
  12. WraithFiend

    Apex Legends - Battle Royale/Hero shooter from creators of Titanfall

    There's a running joke between my group of friends about the Mozambique, where my friend (Grizzlah) downed 3 people using the Mozambique with a purple choke. Hell even me I've downed a group with a Mozambique.... only that one time :D
  13. WraithFiend

    Apex Legends - Battle Royale/Hero shooter from creators of Titanfall

    yeeeee... wingmans want to talk to you about this.
  14. WraithFiend

    Forgotten Gods (Grim Dawn)

    Yeah that's a good idea! The base game of Grim Dawn was actually pretty decent, lots of content, lots of dungeons and the overall campaign was nice and long. The expansion was none of those things, guess it was almost like the old, Diablo 2 - Lord of Destruction expansion, where they added 2...
  15. WraithFiend

    Forgotten Gods (Grim Dawn)

    Let's just hope it has more content than their last expansion, which you could finish in like 3h on the max difficulty :/ More content pls Crate
  16. WraithFiend

    WoW Guild <Stands in Fire> 4/8M Uldir, LFM

    le bump, updated the previous post with our current progress.
  17. WraithFiend

    MyBB Path of Exile Intro, FAQ, Chat and Players

    Are you using the steam version? I always repack the ggpk file so it's nice and speedy (I don't use the steam version).
  18. WraithFiend

    MyBB Path of Exile Intro, FAQ, Chat and Players

    Just take a week leave from work, that way you end up with 9 days to play the game non-stop. Then sneak in a quick 6l for like 10c and then farm :D
  19. WraithFiend

    MyBB Path of Exile Intro, FAQ, Chat and Players

    Seems interesting,. Will have to see how they balance the spells for self casting around the new supports. But could be time for me to create a low life caster again :D
  20. WraithFiend

    Apex Legends - Battle Royale/Hero shooter from creators of Titanfall

    It's because the core of the game works really well, and all the quality of life things they added compared to other BR games help push it ahead of the rest! The hitreg is suprisingly good even at 200ms, and the game rewards players for not being afraid to fight which is awesome. Now if only...
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