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    MUST inverters

    you mean pay someone at the CoCT offices, good luck with that, I am an installer in Cape Town and know a lot of the guys and have founf them to be quite a decent bunch and I dont think anyone of them will approve a un-approved inverter installation, spend a bit more and do it right.
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    Need feedback on how much excess energy users in Cape Town generate with their solar installations

    in Cape Town on a perfect day I probably waste an average of 10 kWh plus a day
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    Eskom hits stage 6 load-shedding without notice

    Got my first taste of 4 hour stage 6 load shedding in Cape Town at 0600 hours with batteries at 4% before shut down
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    New SunSynk Logger app update!

    Doesn’t show on mine
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    Selling residential PV power back to grid

    CoCT is going from R1 to 1.1C, is that correct !!!!!
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    Looking for recommended solar installers in Cape Town

    @Praemon , never did get your inquiry, if you are still in the market, please contact me
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    CoCT`s crap solar policy.

    CoCT doesn’t have any registration fee, it is free
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    Suggest a supplier / Installer (Western Cape)

    Heard that Synapse is a rebranded Pylontec as per Rubicon
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    SSEG 2022 Pricing - Cape Town has seen the light?

    There is no registration fee, it is totally free, but if you want to feed in the ami meter is around 12k and an additional meter reading fee of about R130 per month
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    Telkom home lite R399

    Wanted feedback from members who are using Telkom home lite, the 5 Mbps upload speed is fine for me, says no FUP, but do they throttle speeds and how about downtime.
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    Solar installers and suppliers

    @Imoe , where are you located
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    Drill bit size for mounting hole bracket on Sunsynk 8 kW inverter

    Thinking of going with m10 coach screws and wall plugs
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    Drill bit size for mounting hole bracket on Sunsynk 8 kW inverter

    The manual recommends a 14 mm2 drill bit but the supplied rawl bolts seem undersized for the bit, any ideas
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    Generator or Inverter for residential use?

    I set up a Sunsynk 5 kW for a client as a grid tied ( no battery ), ticked no battery, the alarm did come on for a bit and then switched off by itself, 1) the fault recorded was ‘ Grid mode changed ‘ 2) soc shows about 30% I recall somewhere in a video seeing “ No Battery “, but this inverter...
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    The Battery Thread (Solar / Inverter)

    friend of mine has a 8 kW Sunsynk, he can hear the high pitched noise also
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    Mike's (non-Sunsynk) System

    Yep, my 5 kW caps at 5kW, even though pv production is close to 6 kWh and the rest comes from the grid
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    WANTED : Pylontech 3000 B

    Yes, I am
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    Solarman WiFi dongle for sale

    price drop to R650
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    The Battery Thread (Solar / Inverter)

    last winter in Cape Town, the problem was that we had a lot of cloudy/rainy days, so after heating the two geysers and maybe some washing appliances, there was not enough left over to fully charge the batteries. Have increased my 4.25 kWp array to 6.43 kWp, will see how much that will help this...
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