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  1. leafhead

    The most expensive laptop for sale in South Africa

    I've bought my last laptop. Going forward I'm going to have a good desktop PC and a reasonable tablet for when I need portability.
  2. leafhead

    Do a speed test, rate your ISP and FNO, and win R5,000 cash MyBroadband Speed Test Ping 14ms Download 51.35Mbps Upload 14.27Mbps 2024-11-10 07:19:29 Provider: MTN SA MOBILE
  3. leafhead

    Home Affairs says 204 of 323 offices support biometric live capture for Smart IDs

    And ID cards are still not available to Permanant Residents. They can't do much about Green ID books until they get that right.
  4. leafhead

    Cancelling your TV licence if you no longer own a TV in South Africa

    I haven't owned a TV since 2005, and cancelled my licence in 2006. I did it via fax from the company I worked for at the time. They've now started hounding me for arrears!
  5. leafhead

    The man behind Mobicel — South Africa's only successful smartphone brand

    Aren't all phones made in China? Including Samsung and Apple?
  6. leafhead

    When 8ta shocked the nation with its "Go Big" data promotion

    That's around the time I switched to 8-ta, as it was then. I'm still with Telkom Mobile. I was on Cell-C before that, and it was pretty bad.
  7. leafhead

    South African banks going after Capitec's market

    I've been with Capitec for ~15 years. Their monthly fees are very small (unlike FNB), which is why I switched in the first place. I've never had an issue with them (unlike FNB) which is why I have no plans to change anytime soon.
  8. leafhead

    Gautrain planning more affordable tickets for certain groups

    One of those will certainly not include the airport route. For 2 (or more) people it's cheaper to take an Uber. Which is a shame.
  9. leafhead

    Laptops under R5,000 - April 2024

    Agreed. Linux is the way to go. Desktop Linux has improved vastly over the last 10 years. But I'd stay away from Gnome or KDE for low-spec laptops.
  10. leafhead

    Mobile navigation app comparison

    Google Maps has my home address in the middle of a quarry, and reporting it hasn't helped. Which makes home deliveries impossible.
  11. leafhead

    Here is how your Vodacom number can be stolen for almost a week (And there is nothing you can do about it)

    This is true. I had a technical issue with my MTN wi-fi router, and gave up trying to get a human on the phone. So I went to the MTN shop at the local mall, and that wasn't much better. The guy tried to help, but eventually told me that "everyone here is in sales". So, I cancelled the package...
  12. leafhead

    Ellies being placed into liquidation

    That really is sad. They were my first choice for cabling for my sound system, computers, etc. They made a really good product at an excellent price.
  13. leafhead

    Eskom board misses EAF target by a big margin

    "The reality is that most of these powers lay with government officials, including the public enterprises and electricity minister." - Yes, the board has no power. That is the problem: the ANC is running things!
  14. leafhead

    Eskom's early Kusile celebration could be short-lived

    "Eskom’s Kusile power plant flue gas duct failed" Yep. Can't argue with that. I'd call it a "fail".
  15. leafhead

    Telkom announces huge price hikes - 10% on fibre, 15% on DSL, 11%+ on OOB

    I've been using Telkom Mobile (formerly 8-ta) for years... maybe 10 years. It keeps getting better, and I don't remember the last time prices increased. I can live with it.
  16. leafhead

    Laptops under R8,000 that meet GeForce Now's minimum requirements

    I think most people just need office documents, email, and web browsing. Maybe with audio & video thrown in. I get all of that with Linux.
  17. leafhead

    Laptops under R8,000 that meet GeForce Now's minimum requirements

    Whenever I need a new laptop (which is not ofter) I get a reconditioned one and put Linux on it. Void is my current favourite.
  18. leafhead

    Best messaging services to protect your conversations from spies

    When I first started using email (early 90s) I was told to assume that it's as secure as sending a postcard through the mail. I still believe that's true of all electronic communications.
  19. leafhead

    Ellies collapse – from JSE darling to business rescue in 10 years

    I used to really like their speaker cables.
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