Hi balrog
1 - Yes, my iPhone APN is setup correctly. I can browse and MMS I am using the iPhone.vodacom.za APN.
2 - Yes.
3 - I am not currently jailbroken. I am on iOS 5.0.
I have tried over and over again and it still pops up with that annoying error. Vodacom send me to Nashua Mobile (as...
Mine is also not working!
It pops up with the error, "Cannot authorize access".
Anyone else receiving this error?
I have tried VVM OFF - reboot - VVM ON - reboot again to no avail.
I am running on iOS 5.
Anyone help would be much appreciated as no one at Vodacom can help me!
Nice one! ;)
Are you a VIP member at xsellize? They have they own IPArepo plugin for Install0us and a plugin to download from multiple sources too: appzone, apptrackr, appcake etc...
It seems Installous has updated to 3.1.6, so i'd recommend uninstalling Install0us 2.5.2 (as puy0 has stopped developing it).... Installous 3.1.6 works well will syncing the apps with iTunes. I know Installous only uses apptrackr, but you can use SDM to download an ipa from anywhere on the net...
Yes you can update in iTunes to 3.1.3 and then activate your iPhone with your sim inserted.
Once that is done, simply download the spirit jailbreak and simply jailbreak!
I can never tell how much 'snappier' an untouched IPSW is, since the minute i upgrade i ALWAYS jailbreak. Don't think I have...
you can activate without updating.
Get the iPhone. It will come with 3.1.3 OTB. Activate. Jailbreak. Backup SHSH BLOBS. If you don't want to lose your jailbreak - simply don't update. Or wait till there will be a jailbreak for OS 4 - which I higly doubt will be anytime soon, since OS 4...
Thank goodness i backed up. v1 of spirit made me lose all my pictures! I see on iClarified a v2 has been released with the fix not to delete your photos.
Anyhow! I strongly believe that OS 4 will include (after seeing the iChatAgent processor running) it's own version of iChat - allowing all iPhone users to chat within the OS itself..... Let's just all hope it does include such a service..