Search results

  1. Kodi

    Brake light bulbs blowing frequently.

    From my experience, this would cause the fuse to blow, not the bulb?
  2. Kodi

    Ideal Telkom family plan

    Use this app. It's the Swiss Army knife for Telkom products, no need for USSD. Detailed balances, transfer data/voice between sims, topups, etc etc.
  3. Kodi

    Ideal Telkom family plan

    I'm on the FlexOn 2 top-up package. R99, month-to-month. Not a contract. Includes: 500 minutes toTelkom mobile/ Telkom landline. per second billing. 75 minutes all other networks. per second billing. 2GB data. 500 SMSs. Can't find better value. (Make sure you stipulate top-up...
  4. Kodi

    Raymond Zondo appointed new Chief Justice

    Nice. Good man!!
  5. Kodi

    How South Africa’s new jobs ‘quota system’ will work

    I take the 5% to mean pesky white South Africans?
  6. Kodi

    How South Africa’s new jobs ‘quota system’ will work

    Agree. But.....our economy is haemorrhaging jobs. The very last thing South Africa needs, it's addition government (proven inept) interference to further fetter the markets on top the myriad of existing quota policies.
  7. Kodi

    How South Africa’s new jobs ‘quota system’ will work

    Coming from the people who have caused the world's worst unemployment rate, I feel confident they don't know what they doing.
  8. Kodi

    Cell C's financial challenges didn't stop it from getting top BEE rating

    Almost qualified for the lofty SOE gold- standard of compliance I see.
  9. Kodi

    List of companies cutting ties with Russia over Ukraine invasion

    And in its friendly neighbour, Kazakhstan.
  10. Kodi

    One of South Africa’s biggest companies is moving off Eskom’s grid

    Well done Eskom... So much for economic growth in the world's worst employed county, when you can't even get the basics right and provide reliable energy to existing business. Man alive. Shoutouts to; #BEE #AA #myBEE #myCadres
  11. Kodi

    Newspaper circulation in South Africa vs online news platforms

    I miss the days when the Times and Tribune were delivered to my door, very early Sunday mornings. Reclining in a comfy chair on the verandah while listening to the jolly chatter of early birds. That aroma of fresh coffee brewing in the cool autmn air while I sort out the papers and get ready...
  12. Kodi

    Big language changes planned for schools in South Africa

    Perpetually tweaking the system until we left with cattle herders and mud huts.
  13. Kodi

    Big language changes planned for schools in South Africa

    Ja boet...... :ROFL: :ROFL: :ROFL:
  14. Kodi

    “92 potholes on my way to work” – What a normal day on South African roads looks like

    If you don't look after something, nature reclaims it. Simple.
  15. Kodi

    Thieves cause diesel pipeline spill in South Africa

    With many poorly-maintained sewerage systems polluting rivers, at least this diesel contamination will kill-off e.coli. #Smart_city
  16. Kodi

    Looking for a good brand enamel paint from tried and tested buyers

    Honestly. About 7 years. EDIT. I better clarity that. I didn't do it all at once. Was in stages. But heck, it was a lot of work. I can't quantify the actual time spent.
  17. Kodi

    Ramaphosa scores R2.1 million for Ankole cow in cattle auction thanks to Motsepe

    This one cow cost the same as 6000 impoverished souls standing all day in queues under the scorching sun for some covid relief. #justsaying #Marxism_is_alive. #BEE_is_lekka #BLM
  18. Kodi

    Looking for a good brand enamel paint from tried and tested buyers

    Galvanizing needs extra preparation. A special solution to wash it, then an etching primer, then paint. That's the way I do it. P.S I made burglar bars for my entire house out of 12mm solid square bar. Painting those things with 2x coats was a nightmare. Never again.
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