The girl looks good as a Mini-Me version of a young Carrie Fisher
Ewan McGregor's acting, especially the last minute of Part II
"Obi Wan 2077" planet is more interesting than yet another desert scene and makes one mourn the cancel of Level 1313
Aldereaan, wow.
Obi Wan being chummy with a...
Hi guys,
I have a bunch of LCD monitors from different brands. Where can I send them to be repaired? I know LetMeRepair used to do that but they are gone now.
Any other places?
I am upgrading soon and the phone caught my eye because of the specs you get for the price. I also saw that there is a lot of roms out for it and Huawei has the SDK on its website apparently...
So my question is, anybody on MyBB or someone they know have one? How has the experience been?
So I received an AARTO notice driving a company vehicle. I drove 106 in a 80km zone. This was on the M2 near the Selby off-ramp in Joburg.
The JMPD, seeing that it is a company vehicle decided that R3000 is a fair amount, but they were gracious enough to discount it to R1500. That is a fair...
My Vodacom contract is expiring soon & I am planning to get the Red Bull Mobile 200 package (best price for my needs & Vodacom dropped the ball a couple of times the last few months with me).
I always had my eye on the MB525, but now the LG P970 became available on the same package.
I know...