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  1. H

    Amazon opening data centres in South Africa

    Whoohoo so cool to see a dot on the map
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    The Ford Ranger (T6) Thread

    Like the current model more....
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    Are all tempered glass screen protectors equal? iPhone 6s

    Haven't used one on my 5S or 6 Plus no issues so far.... EDIT : After reading the most I might get one though....
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    Tempered glass screen protector

    Haven't used screen protectors for some time now never had issues...
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    iSight Camera Replacement Program for iPhone 6 Plus

    Not affected pretty new phone so perhaps it was an older batch....
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    Toyota SA's new Fortuner

    Looks like a Rexton or something don't like it at all...
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    iOS 8.4 / Apple Music

    Pity this does not have a web interface... that would have sealed the deal for me!
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    iOS 8.4 / Apple Music

    Was wondering the same I do have a few app purchases that I would lose... :(
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    iOS 8.4 / Apple Music

    Agreed quite annoyed at this...
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    iOS 8.4 / Apple Music

    Had the same issue... also thought it was a bit of a cheat... I should be able to use three month free without credit in my account. I am also on US store and this is the first time I wished I was not.
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    Afrihost Mobile for farm

    So I am moving to a farm just outside of Leandra in Mpumalanga, now I need to consider internet connectivity! I looked at VSat but it seems dang expensive and the fair use policies are ludicrous. So far the best option I have found is Afrihost Mobile 20gig for around 900 bucks. I will need to...
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    VSat option

    Hi Guys, I am looking for an option on a farm, ideally something uncapped had a look at IBurst VSat but the Fair Use policy kills it for me, their 1Meg (so dog slow already) option has a 3 Gig FOP after which you a throttled to 128K! I saw some other options like Yaclick and so on but they...
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    New ford focus RS

    I think closer to 600
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    iPhone 4 replacement battery?

    Is it worth it ?
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    Anonymous South Africa ?!?

    I think this is the funniest thing I have seen this year! WOW I am at a loss for words...
  16. H

    Amazon Fire Phone 32GB Factory Unlocked [S]

    Item name : Amazon Fire Phone 32 GB Factory Unlocked Age and condition: New in box Do you include packaging: Yes Warranty: Yes (With Amazon) Reason for selling: Got this at a Conference not using it. Price:4000 Negotiable: Yes Location:Sandton Shipping or collection: For buyers account...
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    Feel good story for this Friday... Gogo sells bed to pay for studies..

    Source : Now you study hard boy you hear me!!!
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    Alienware Steam Machine

    Would love one of these : Would unfortionately probably cost more than my car in SA....:erm:
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    Netflix on RaspBMC

    Hi Guys, I have XBMC running on a Rasberry Pi, works great for media on a HDD. I have done some reading but cant seem to find a solution to get Netflix onto a Rasberri Pi ? Seems Netflix uses silverlight ? Any idea as to whether there is a way to do this ? Thanks a stack!
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