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  1. E

    The Cannabis Thread #2

    You are a legend among stoners, Sir. I thank you and theratman
  2. E

    Your favourite keyboard on iOS / iPadOS?

    Ah, yes, the benefits of being poor.
  3. E

    Your favourite keyboard on iOS / iPadOS?

    I don't have this "floating" problem. Stock keyboard disabled. Iphone SE 2020. Mybb app.
  4. E

    For3x Breakout Kings (FBK) Legitimacy

    He has worked with the Surtie lawyers before as well. So yeah.
  5. E

    For3x Breakout Kings (FBK) Legitimacy

    The Surtie lawyers [emoji23][emoji23][emoji23]
  6. E

    The Cannabis Thread #2

    Bud, I hate to break it to you. But by buying weed, even edibles, you ARE a criminal. And so are they for selling it. So they want some proof you ain’t the popo. It’s awkward, but is it not kinda understandable? If you want, you can pm me the code then I will take a pic of a nug for you.
  7. E

    For3x Breakout Kings (FBK) Legitimacy

    No man. You are a good person but don't leave it so. You had an agreement with him. He owes you money, so don't let it go. It's mos not YOUR fault it's a ponzi.
  8. E

    Surtie Inheritance Scam

    And he’s not keeping you a skyf.
  9. E

    Surtie Inheritance Scam

    Sure. But the claim itself is supported by mishmash as you so eloquently put it. So it’s gonna fail because the entire thing is a scam. Regardless of investment mandates that may or may not exist.
  10. E

    Surtie Inheritance Scam

    @Bewlen These are the court annexures that supposedly prove the claim that there are trillions in a bank account and it all belongs to the Surtie estate.
  11. E

    Surtie Inheritance Scam

    I’m confused. You also seem reasonable. If you agree that most of the “evidence” floating around is made up, irrational waffle, is it not likely that the entire claim is a scam? I have linked the particulars of claim in the Western Cape High court before, an official court document that reads...
  12. E

    Surtie Inheritance Scam

    Wow, you are so smart with your English teaching. Excuse me as it's not my first language. Anyway... Is this the "unabridged" particulars of claim? If so, please tell us what are the "details in these particulars of claim that create quite a decent argument for this claim to be upheld"?
  13. E

    Surtie Inheritance Scam

    So there is a "secret" particulars of claim that contains convincing evidence? And this was not submitted to the court? But you have seen it and on this basis you think a settlement or victory is possible?
  14. E

    Surtie Inheritance Scam

    I will answer it anyway. No, the ENTIRE thing is a scam. 99% sure. And that HAS changed, since previously I was about 70% sure.
  15. E

    Surtie Inheritance Scam

    Pastors, "board", Lawyers and "forensic investigator": Give us money to help "find the money", have meetings with Absa, litigate in multiple courts, have demonstrations outside Absa offices (lol)...and in return, you will receive a slice of the payout. Believers: Sure, take my money. Things...
  16. E

    Surtie Inheritance Scam

    You seem to know a lot more than the average fellow. And so you have probably read the particulars of claim for the 1.35 trillion. What about the Surtie papers and supporting evidence leads you to believe that they have a good case?
  17. E

    Surtie Inheritance Scam

    Nah, I doubt the "legal" claim. Still believe it's made up nonsense.
  18. E

    Surtie Inheritance Scam

    Just to clarify: an exception (what the PIC raised) IS an attempt to have the case thrown out. And they succeeded. So at present, there is no case.
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