Search results

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    No Iphone 5 at WWDC 2011

    I really don't think they will release the "iPhone 5" this year.
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    iPad 2 Availibility

    Would like to know as well
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    iPhone 4 contract

    Hold on for the iPhone 5
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    Should i Swap my iPad for an iPhone 4?

    Do it. iPhone rocks!
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    Another n00b Iphone 4 Q. :)

    Yes it works in South Africa
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    Where are the suppliers hiding all the iPhones??

    Saw MTN is advertising iPhones like mad again.
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    How many times have you dropped your iPhone?

    Couple of times but have now insured my iPhone :)
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    iPhone 4 wifi hotspot - iOS4.3

    Why are you android hippies lurking in the iPhone forums? Sent from the MyBroadband iPhone App
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    iPhone 5

    lol "Get out of jail free"
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    Samsung Galaxy S

    Got a samsung galaxy S for sale. Sealed in a box with a cover. Not opened yet. R4800.00 neg. Contact me for more information.
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    iPhone 4 - Stock Availability - Vodacom

    That is where I got my iphone 4 from 2 weeks ago. Their service wasn't great. Took me about 3 hours to get the phone but at least I got it.
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    Need a couple of bloggers to help me test a new kind of social network

    I'm in the process (almost done) in creating a new kind of social network for bloggers. I need a couple of dedicated bloggers that would like to test this new network with me and receive some of the benefits involved straight away. PM if you are interested and I will send you more details
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