What is the state of the roof? Cant you just paint the domes white and put in proper channels for the water?
Seems like a waste to replace the whole thing if the structure is still fine.
Why do you need them that size? Usually the voids are filled with some sort of packing.
Boxes are designed to a standard to make volume packing easier.
We would need some pictures but in general as long as they didn't alter the foundation, support walls/structure and structure in general it should be fine as long as the plans are updated and approved by the municipality.
Plasma was great tech if they weren't so power hungry and they kept improving the tech they would have still been better than LCD.
I'm looking forward to the OLED pricing becoming better though as that is definitely the next standard to beat.
The panel weight will be something like 600kg at a rough guess so that's like a 5% margin in weight. That roof was either not engineered correctly or not assembled correctly.