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  1. E

    Sites on ipad

    Visited and nothing there to worry about, I forgot to mention another thing that would be a good ide to limit access to malicious site is to use OpenDNS. See: for more information
  2. E

    Sites on ipad

    Thats is what I was pointing to, a better site would probably be or Can read Techrepublic's interview with the owner of browserspy over here Just trying to point out that browsers does give out information about you all the time, none as...
  3. E

    iOS Security

    That comment was in light of dark corners of the web and not Apple's market :)
  4. E

    Sites on ipad

    Visit just for fun :)
  5. E

    iOS Security

    Jailbrake alone will not cause security issues. It depends on what you do after that that might cause for concern, like loading software from dark corners of the net. In theory it should be safe as applications can not interact with each other, but you never know. Still think its safer to do...
  6. E

    Is Jailbreaking now legal in south africa?

    I would not worry about it, like I said just dont sell jailbroken devices. All my devices are either jailbroken or rooted. Its like piracy, some of it is illegal but everyone is doing it. Next you gonna tell me you use a SA account on it seeing that giving false details to open a US account is...
  7. E

    Is Jailbreaking now legal in south africa?

    There is no clause for hardware ownership, that is an added interpretation on your part, besides if you read software licenses you do not own the software just the hardware it runs on. This is where the difference between Open source and closed source comes in. Again like I said before, just do...
  8. E

    Is Jailbreaking now legal in south africa?

    What the Law says: US law has a fair use clause in DMCA act to allow for jailbreak. Our copyright law does not have this clause as its never been updated to cater for today's use of the law. (Why we can download without a worry) Not tested in court yet, but I can tell you selling jailbroken...
  9. E

    Downloading of Popular Science with iPad

    +1, I use Zinio As well, but because its cross platform. Never had issues with it.
  10. E

    AppStore watch: New & Sale items

    Well I got mine on Satrday night and my friend picked it up for his iPad yesterday at 11h00, not my fault people dont read here all the time. I did get the notice from for future ref.
  11. E

    AppStore watch: New & Sale items

    Call of Cthulhu: The Wasted Land Free for one day only.
  12. E

    Google drive for iOS

    I'm still living in Dropbox world cause of the lack of Linux support re GDrive so not really interested in it yet. thanx for the heads up.
  13. E

    Google drive for iOS

    Google drive for iOS just been release. Both iPhone and iPad version can be found for free:
  14. E

    Just installed iOS 6.....

    Well its still beta, in fact the entire OS is so beta that I am on previous version :)
  15. E

    Just installed iOS 6.....

    Maybe this will help: You would see it better when on the device as you can pan and zoom around the objects.
  16. E

    Just installed iOS 6.....

    I rest my case :)
  17. E

    What's new in iOS6 -

    Not gonna happen. One thing Apple is known for is keeping things similar or they would prefer the term familiar. Some people prefer that and is one of the reasons they Pick Apple after all. If you want a new UI every update or change the look go to Android. Then again I must admit I am rather...
  18. E

    What's new in iOS6 -

    Hmmm please no OS wars some prefer iOS others Android, and then theres Symbian/Windows Phone, and loads more. The thread is about iOS updates Thanx.
  19. E

    What's new in iOS6 -

    Stuff that! Siri should answer the call and take a message or cut in if its urgent, dammit. :)
  20. E

    Just installed iOS 6.....

    Trust me you dont wanna play with this release, at least wait for a month or 2 as it will be buggy as hell. I know I will LOL!!!!!! Oh he will soon find something to complain about don't you worry. Dammit no mountain for PE so our 3D looks kind of crap :(
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