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  1. M

    Trump threatens South Africa on land expropriation

    People who are offered refuge by Trump will not be allowed to return to SA for sh-ts and giggles.
  2. M

    60km/h speed limit conundrum in South Africa

    Actually people in Woodstock know. It's people in Table View and Constantia who don't. The re-tards honk at you when you're a mile away, but you can enter a circle when they're approaching, as long as the distance is fine for them to keep the speed and not crash into you. This is lost on many...
  3. M

    60km/h speed limit conundrum in South Africa

    FFS why post a picture of a state of the art National N2 freeway? Why? What has it to do with little streets in town and 60km?
  4. M

    Trump threatens South Africa on land expropriation

    Dude, if you're a refugee, you have to be a refugee from something. So you can't go back. If you can go back, it means the land wasn't dangerous. You're then an economic migrant looking for greener pastures, the sort of people who are no longer welcome in MAGA US and in Europe (nor anywhere...
  5. M

    Trump threatens South Africa on land expropriation

    Did the Huguenots return to France for nostalgia visits?
  6. M

    Trump threatens South Africa on land expropriation

    Dude, just buy that Tesla or at the very least, use Paypal. :)
  7. M

    Trump threatens South Africa on land expropriation

    I type fast.
  8. M

    Trump threatens South Africa on land expropriation

    To be fair, if the source location is truly dangerous, as I mentioned already, people don't return. They know that once they ask for asylum they will never, ever set foot in their country again. Hence asylum seeking is not a joke. It's being abused in Europe right now and on the border with the...
  9. M

    Trump threatens South Africa on land expropriation

    If you weren't the cheapskate and grinch you are, Musk could have been the king of your Tesla car and power-wall and maybe even internet access., by now.
  10. M

    Raygun beaten and burnt to death by school children

    Just reliving their heritage, mate. From 1973, in Walvis Bay: Some 100-150 men are employed in the sealing industry which takes the animals by clubbing (yearlings) from June to October. and again by shooting (bulls) in November/December.
  11. M

    Trump signs executive order aimed at South Africa

    And Namibia too, to some degree.
  12. M

    Raygun beaten and burnt to death by school children

    Ah seal culling... Check the year of that publication ;)
  13. M

    Raygun beaten and burnt to death by school children

    And nobody tried to cook the seal? Inuit people swear by them.
  14. M

    Raygun beaten and burnt to death by school children

    Raygun lived a good life though. He had a good run at it. The SPCA f-ed it up but at least he's remembered on MyBB.
  15. M

    Trump threatens South Africa on land expropriation

    Maybe. But when it comes to serious human rights abuses and people escaping say the persecution of the Khmer Rouge or the Stasi or the Security Service (UB), you didn't consider the option of returning or of discomfort while you were separated from loved ones, you did all you could to get away...
  16. M

    Raygun beaten and burnt to death by school children

    Kids are kids. But that operation didn't go as planned, when the operation entailed letting a wild animal round around a school full of brats. "Throughout the operation, Murray emphasized that Raygun posed no threat to anyone, as he was merely trying to find his way to a new home in peace."
  17. M

    Raygun beaten and burnt to death by school children

    I bet the shooter was not as popular with his fancy Cape Town cohabitants after that.
  18. M

    European Consumer Organisation releases report on Temu product safety

    But how will this affect the belt and road initiative as well as the German pivot to sell more cars to China? Time to find out if the European Consumer body is read to stand up to the German motor industry.
  19. M

    Raygun beaten and burnt to death by school children

    ...of environmentalists. The baboon would have been accepted, loved and even invited out for afternoon tea and scones.
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