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    Should pit bulls be banned in South Africa?

    I agree on the approach, to a partial extent, in fact given that I worked with a guy who did specialised high end security systems for upper end clients for a while, I wrote an article on an approach I think is applicable to any security situation...
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    Should pit bulls be banned in South Africa?

    I understand what you say, but still differ. I appreciate that your ridgeback is formidable and loyal etc (I've never had one and always like their looks BTW), but what do you think is going to be the outcome in circumstance of more than one armed attacker? While the dog attacks one person, the...
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    California's grid faces collapse as leaders push renewables, electric vehicles, experts say

    I understood you to say it was the "backup" to base load, which implies it can take that role? In any event solar power is not reliable, in the sense that it cannot be relied upon to produce power from one moment to the next (clouds have a massive detrimental effect) - not to mention it's not...
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    California's grid faces collapse as leaders push renewables, electric vehicles, experts say

    This is a ridiculous statement - solar can simply never be considered a base load energy source. Base load by definition needs to be available 24/7 in all types of weather. Solar does not qualify for a few fundamental reasons - which I'll let you work out. But you are welcome to try run say a...
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    California's grid faces collapse as leaders push renewables, electric vehicles, experts say

    The core problem with renewables when used as an energy source on their own, is they are simply too intermittent to rely on when you need to meet demand on the grid, or even your own demand at home. They may, or may not be available. And they may, or may not fade away in a few minutes...
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    Should pit bulls be banned in South Africa?

    I do live in this country, in quite a bad neighbourhood until recently, and am completely in favour of SELF defence, using any type of weapon, including fire arms. And I am a big proponent of taking full responsibility for your own safety and that of your family and training yourself to become...
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    California's grid faces collapse as leaders push renewables, electric vehicles, experts say

    My understanding of what happened in Texas was their wind turbines did not have adequate de-icing, which like an airplane wing, loses its lift if ice deforms the aerofoil shape. In addition wind turbines shut down when the wind speed gets too high, to protect their gear boxes etc. So with...
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    Should pit bulls be banned in South Africa?

    I really like bigger dogs, grew up with them, we had various Rottweilers, cross Doberman/Rotties, and various other dogs growing up. Most had very nice personalities, although would say that we had a policy of going for cross breeds (not sure why, I was child at the time). But the two dogs...
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    Are renewables the answer to SA's energy crisis?

    Something to consider when people tell you that solar energy is the "solution" to load shedding
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    Are renewables the answer to SA's energy crisis?

    This isn't really "the other side of the coin". Your counter argument article was more focused on the money to be made by entrepreneurs pursuing the renewable energy opportunities being presented to them? The key paragraphs actually are these: I think my article explains why the vain hope that...
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    Are renewables the answer to SA's energy crisis?
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    South Africa must prioritise existing coal power over renewable energy – Expert

    I currently consult to a company that, among other things measures solar power generated on large installations such as shopping centres etc. The power generated by a solar installation literally falls off a cliff, the moment a cloud comes out. I can guarantee that based on actual daily...
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    South Africa must prioritise existing coal power over renewable energy – Expert

    Personally I think one thing which has arisen recently is this terrible "us vs them" thinking, which results in EVERY BLOODY THING becoming a politicised tribal issue! Just because someone does not conform completely to the latest fashions, which you might be chasing, does not mean they are...
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    South Africa must prioritise existing coal power over renewable energy – Expert

    You make a very valid point, but that is from the point of view of a home owner. And I completely agree with you. I am doing the same thing. But my argument is based on what should the leaders of the country do? What should their policies and plans be? The problem you are reacting to is the...
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    South Africa must prioritise existing coal power over renewable energy – Expert

    Yes, that is what is happening, we can all see it. I have it from a reliable source that there are NO plans for anything else but renewable energy installations at present. I think every country's people are occasionally faced with a defining moment, where they either are capable of rising to...
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    South Africa must prioritise existing coal power over renewable energy – Expert

    I could agree with you if our main focus was on building base load stations, which we could see going up all around us every day, and thus at some point in the hopefully near future, we would be able to get through the night, at least, without the need for load shedding, and thus in the...
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    South Africa must prioritise existing coal power over renewable energy – Expert

    Thanks for that. But I think my main points still stand? My overall point is that chasing the red herring of renewable energy right now, given our current crisis is counter productive and thus foolish, and thus those that do so are fools. I know I'm being blunt and ruffling feathers but in...
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    South Africa must prioritise existing coal power over renewable energy – Expert

    Ok can you provide your view of the situation please (genuinely interested). My issues are: 1) 4 hrs is too short, we need at least 12 hrs, preferably 24 2) 320 MW is too little to have any effect what so ever, clearly we need much more - my estimate based on the notion that we need to return...
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    South Africa must prioritise existing coal power over renewable energy – Expert

    I think it's a bad idea on the basis of scale, vs price, vs alternative options available. The cost of that 320 MW for 4 hrs is probably very high (I don't know the capital or operating costs, but based on other similar installations worldwide, I would guess it's the same). The installation...
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