I had a lady call me back. She sounded tired . Her work load seemed to have overwhelmed her.
She could not match or beat the current offering of the BF2020 MyMTNChoice 400 deal.
She promised to call back during the week and discuss the cheaper migration packages. I am looking at the Voda R499...
Thanks mate. Frogfoot is the provider in question , it's an open market for residents. I'm just trying to secure a good deal for all and sundry, if any ISP can come to the party. Unfortunately it's not an estate, pretty much public road residents.
Lets not confuse service delivery and the payment of statutory obligations. SAPO has basically stolen from its own employees. Deductions of salaries simply not paid over to third parties. #Criminal
Hi Guys
Quick question regarding fibre that is being rolled out soon in my surburb. ( Finally :))
Can residents negotiate discount pricing should the entire community sign up with Afrihost ? eg. If a minimum of 100 houses confirm joining Afrihost, can any sweeteners being given on such a...