The problem at Home Affairs has almost nothing to do with internet access. So, NO, nothing will change at Home Affairs even if you have reliable 24/7/365 highspeed internet.
Frankly, my own intuition in this is that this DeepSeek announcement is a troll operation by the Chinese communist state. They're way behind, and know it, so they've scammed the enemy West. Of course I don't know precisely how they've done it, but I expect it'll all come out in due course.
The Family subscription has been an absolute bargain since it was introduced more than a decade ago. Still is. Share with 6 PCs/accounts, each with 1TB of cloud, an hour of skype-to-phone calls per month. My R0.02.
"The pickup truck's driver, Shamsud-Din Jabbar, 42, was shot dead after firing a gun at police, the FBI said. Jabbar, a U.S. citizen from Texas and an Army veteran, also had an Islamic State group flag attached to the vehicle, investigators said. "
You must be the one in ten million exception.
Carnivore cured my gout. Took allopurinol (Puricos is just one of the brands) for years. It took two months of carnivore for me to realise that allopurinol was unnecessary.
A set or predetermined compensation for a loss would be unjust and further destroy an important element of compensation long recognised in law since Roman times. It also completely ignores proveable consequential damages, as well as the variations in harm arrising from pain and suffering...
Quick Q for those making their own billies:
When exactly do you spice the raw biltong -- when you start the soak in vinegar, or after the soak before you hang?
Just to make you gallah: Traded in my Pixel 7 Pro for the 9 Fold in black. It's now on 'droid 15 but I generally close down, disable and block most of the Googley spyware stuff. I just love the beeg 8" fold-out display.
Two criticisms so far:
- though amazingly thin, the device is still quite...
The real eye-opener in the OP article is the way the currency has been eroded by government.
See the "adjusted for inflation" values for cars and houses. Shocking.
BRIC(S+) might well coalesce into a trading bloc of sorts. But it has zero chance of displacing the USD as the global reserve currency. For one, not a single one of their currencies remotely has the liquidity, availability, tradeability and open bond trading market to ever get close. The only...
That was awesomely epic! What an astonishing achievement!! The engineering is just mind-blowingly amazing. And thanks to Starlink we got it at 4K.
I cannot stop boggling at the engineering in so many areas. Just one staggering example: In less than two seconds Superheavy's fuel turbine pumps...
Travel and experience can cure you of ignorance but not prejudice.
I spend most of my time in Texas. There I know a regte boertjie-turned-Texan from just outside Pretoria who still makes his own biltong and droëwors. He's lived in Texas for the past twenty years and swears there's nothing more...
The RAF only covers injury to persons, not damage to property such as vehicles. You still have to arrange your own insurance for damage you cause to third party property.