Post Office has a plan to take over online shopping deliveries — and it will make you mad
The South African Post Office (Sapo) wants courier companies to pay it an "agency fee" for the privilege of delivering parcels that weigh less than 1 kilogram.
It revealed its plan in an invitation to...
complaintsandcompliancecommittee (ccc)
independent communications authority of south africa (icasa)
south african express parcels association (saepa)
south african post office (sapo)
SA Post Office's plan to block all courier deliveries under 1kg
South Africa Post Office CEO Nomkhita Mona said by law, they are the only institution that is allowed to deliver packages between 0 and 1 kilogram.
She added that this law was created to subsidise services that the Post Office...
anton roets
complaintsandcompliancecommittee (ccc)
independent communications authority of south africa (icasa)
nomkhita mona
south african post office (sapo)
Screamer vs ICASA: expert witness called
Icasa has announced that it will be calling on an expert to witness to testify in its case against Screamer Telecoms
complaintsandcompliancecommittee (ccc)
electronic communications act (eca)
independent communications authority of south africa (icasa)
screamer telecoms
EFF “destroy E-tolls” ad before Icasa
Icasa’s Complaints and Compliance Committee will hold a public hearing on the SABC’s rejection of the EFF’s political advertisement today
complaintsandcompliancecommittee (ccc)
economic freedom fighters (eff)
independent communications authority of south africa (icasa)
party election broadcast (peb)
Hearing for banned DA advert hurried
Icasa has moved up the hearing of the DA’s complaint that that the SABC has unlawfully censored its political advertisement.
complaintsandcompliancecommittee (ccc)
democratic alliance (da)
independent communications authority of south africa (icasa)
south african broadcasting corporation (sabc)
complaintsandcompliancecommittee (ccc)
democratic alliance (da)
independent communications authority of south africa (icasa)
south african broadcasting corporation (sabc)