ivy matsepe-casaburri

  1. Jan

    Happy anniversary (for 1 November)! 10 years since South Africa first missed digital migration deadline

    A decade late and a dollar short — South Africa's digital TV hamster wheel This year, on 1 November 2021, it was ten years since South Africa missed its first deadline to switch off old analogue TV signals occupying precious radio frequency spectrum. The constant delays have cost South Africa...
  2. Kevin Lancaster

    Telecoms minster budget speech - the real facts

    Truth Check: Telecoms Minister budget vote speech Just because you’re the government doesn’t mean you get to rewrite history
  3. jes

    The strange case of SA communications ministers

    The strange case of SA communications ministers Government continues to hamper South Africa’s telecoms industry with questionable communications ministry appointments
  4. jes

    Local Loop Unbundling is a lost opportunity

    Local Loop Unbundling is a lost opportunity Local loop unbundling could have broadened broadband access in South Africa, says former chairman of the LLU committee, Prof Tshilidzi Marwala
  5. jes

    Telkom: where did it all go wrong? (MyBroadband column)

    Telkom: where did it all go wrong? (MyBroadband column) The South African government helped make Telkom’s bed, maybe it should sleep in it too
  6. jes

    The DoC's broadband pipe dream

    The DoC's broadband pipe dream The Department of Communications is still beating the broadband for all drum, but it is nothing we have not heard before
  7. jes

    Will the DoC ever get its act together? (MyBroadband column)

    Will the DoC ever get its act together? (MyBroadband column) The current team at the DoC shows promise, but the only thing the recent ICT Policy Colloquium seemed to achieve was a name change
  8. jes

    Please don’t mess this one up as well, DoC (MyBroadband Column)

    Please don’t mess this one up as well, DoC Another communications minister, another colloquium (but maybe it will be different this time around)
  9. jes

    Stop changing the SA Minister of Communications: Qualcomm

    Stop changing the SA Minister of Communications: Qualcomm Coherence in communications policy-making needs stability in the South African Ministry of Communications, says Qualcomm’s head of government affairs
  10. jes

    Hoorah! More ICASA deadlines to miss

    Hoorah! More ICASA deadlines to miss After four years of a “long and hard slog” ICASA sets itself more deadlines to figure out what to do when it comes to LLU
  11. Jan

    DoC harmed SA telecoms sector says WikiLeaks US cable

    DoC hurt the telecoms sector: WikiLeaks US cable Latest WikiLeaks cables say that local executives of US companies had little trust in the DoC and government.
  12. jes

    Wikileaks - Department of Communications thwarted independence at ICASA

    Wikileaks - Department of Communications thwarted independence at ICASA Under the late Ivy Matsepe-Casaburri the Department of Communications hampered SA telecoms, and leadership shortfalls have hurt the sector, say leaked diplomatic cables
  13. T

    Ivy Matsepe-Casaburri

    Dr Ivy Matsepe-Casaburri was born in the old Free State province, South Africa, where she received her early education. She completed her secondary education in Natal and afterwards attended the University of Fort Hare where she received her first degree. She taught for two years in the former...
  14. Vrotappel

    Altech strikes Ivy out for third time

    She simply does not want to go away!
  15. rpm

    Trevor, Ivy’s Sentech clash

    Trevor, Ivy’s Sentech clash
  16. D

    Ivy branches off

    Dear Minister My own personal note to say: Goodbye. Don't let the door hit you on the ass on your way out. yours substantially dominic
  17. rpm

    Broadband blockage

  18. rpm

    The more cables the better

  19. rpm

    Enough bandwidth for 2010?

  20. rpm

    Undersea cable plan tangled in acrimony

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