UPDATE: D-Link DIR-451 (3G Router)
Just to report that the Dlink DIR451 does support the Huwaei E1820 from Cell C. Working well.
Click Setup (manual) and select:
Interface type: WWAN
Type: PPP
Country: None
ISP: None
Modem: with the two selections above, the entire range of supported devices appears. Select the E1820.
In settings, I have:
Dial: *99#
APN: internet
Connect type: Always On
SAVE these settings. On reboot - click on the STATUS tab and if necessary click CONNECT - although the router should have connected automatically to Cell C (if you selected Always On).
I also have the Dovado UMR (from Neotel time) but giving the DIR451 a shake as I had some reception issues using the Dovado. Need to state that this may have been on the client side (Apple Ipad & Iphone 4) rather than the server side.
ps If anyone is interested in acquiring an Option 3G data card (unlocked) please PM me! Actually, while I'm at it, I've also got an Iburst desktop modem and a Dupont/Neotel phone for sale! :erm: