After R743,644.95, Digitech is broken - SITA redesigned it, used "admin" for password

It may seem logical, but organs of state and state-owned enterprises are not directly linked to the ruling ANC or any other party. They are seen as independent, with Parliament and the Departments/boards with oversight powers.
Cadre deployment is a thing, right?
Someone should make a video of themselves with a timer where they setup a web server, install Drupal, and install this template. Then get someone to show the video in Parliament and ask the minister in question how they can justify the price given how 1 person could do it in maybe 1 hour?

Bonus points if you do the same using an existing template in AWS and just need to apply the template.
Someone should make a video of themselves with a timer where they setup a web server, install Drupal, and install this template. Then get someone to show the video in Parliament and ask the minister in question how they can justify the price given how 1 person could do it in maybe 1 hour?

Bonus points if you do the same using an existing template in AWS and just need to apply the template.
Who needs to even go this far, there are plenty of hosts who can have already setup most of what you need up.

I bet I could recreate their site in about an hour or so. R750k per hour seems pretty good to me.

I'm clearly writing software the wrong way...
It shows though that even the IT SOE can't judge properly what quality they are "buying". What happened to building our own, and doing things in-house because we have a large consolidated IT agency to serve all departments? I taught myself Drupal so I know it is really not complicated. It is way simpler than most client/server application systems. Government should have standardised their own templates to bring DOWN the cost of doing websites for departments.
The government needs to outsource as well. How else are the fat **** piggy cANCer cadres relatives and buddies going to get their gravy?
The equivalent of a construction company saying they built a 20 storey highrise, unveilling a single story house, but walking around the back you see its simply a facade stolen from a movie set....
KFC isn't going to pay for itself.
Someone should make a video of themselves with a timer where they setup a web server, install Drupal, and install this template. Then get someone to show the video in Parliament and ask the minister in question how they can justify the price given how 1 person could do it in maybe 1 hour?
Don't come here with your western logic. KFC is getting expensive.
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