Yes Swanson, Andre loves you from a distance.
I don't usually interact with alt accounts, but today I will make an exception, lucky you.
I don't care much about ADR, he is highly competent with an excellent track record, as is his current employer, and he has sorted himself out, because no longer has to subject himself to the incompetent bungling fools and thieving scoundrels that he had to report when he was at Eskom. Nor am I concerned about his feelings for me, for I too am sorted in that department, working remotely for a small global firm where competence and merit rather than skin colour dictate my salary, career prospects and job satisfaction.
I do respect the fact that he no longer has to live in a schithole country, and that at least his immediate family is close to him, I don't have that privilege, but I am working on it, and my efforts will be rewarded soon.
So one day when you finally wake up from your drunken stupor, after having quaffed the Johnnie Walker Blue that the ANC cadres have washed their dirty hands in, and discover that your sewage pipes are blocked with dried excrement due to no water nor electricity nor maintenance, and then decide to rather take a dump on the shallow grave in your garden where you buried your sons and daughters that died from cholera, listeriosis and tuberculosis, and wipe your backside with a mulberry leaf because you have no toilet paper, you may indeed realise the truth. You may also realise it when you are so hungry that the idea of eating your crimson beret makes you salivate with the same expectant pleasure as biting into a fine piece of thinly sliced biltong.
Then again, maybe not, you will, in all probability, just go back to your comatose state, and decompose slowly while flea-infested vultures pick the last slothful sinews off your rotting carcass, the bones which will soon vanish into the dust that is the land which you so covet, but lack the desire, knowledge, fortitude and work ethic to make productive, bear fruit and feed the nation.