Behind the scenes look at how online shopping works in South Africa


I wonder how long Superbalist will keep using Wantitall's backend warehousing system when they've just been bought by TakeAlot

I wonder how long Superbalist will keep using Wantitall's backend warehousing system when they've just been bought by TakeAlot

This was my question exactly, it's a bit awkward really.
Thanks MyBB. It is articles like this that leads to a better informed populous IMO. Information is really knowledge!
That was an interesting article. I wonder where this will leave Mr. Delivery? I have been quite impressed by their parcel delivery having loathed the company for terrible food delivery a couple of years ago.
Happy customer

Another thing, how much of that article was generated from Staff Writer and how much of it comes directly from the PR release by Takealot? The image captions could have been a bit more inspired. Think it would have worked better in another infographic.
Another thing, how much of that article was generated from Staff Writer and how much of it comes directly from the PR release by Takealot? The image captions could have been a bit more inspired. Think it would have worked better in another infographic.

Takealot Press Release? I would say this is almost certainly from ParcelNinja.
What the article does not mention is ParcelNinja's background (some of you know) and how all the IT and systems where built in-house by local staff without the need of spending hundreds of millions compared to some big-scale companies out there.

If you have ever worked with established courier companies in this country you would have learned that still to date no-one has any proper API's and fulfilment in SA is really backwards. In short, what ParcelNinja built is as close as you can get to a modern fulfilment/drop-shipping infrastructure and most couriers will have to quickly play catch up.
So, this parcel ninja guys, do you store your stock with them, and they take care of shipping ?
What the article does not mention is ParcelNinja's background (some of you know) and how all the IT and systems where built in-house by local staff without the need of spending hundreds of millions compared to some big-scale companies out there.

If you have ever worked with established courier companies in this country you would have learned that still to date no-one has any proper API's and fulfilment in SA is really backwards. In short, what ParcelNinja built is as close as you can get to a modern fulfilment/drop-shipping infrastructure and most couriers will have to quickly play catch up.

They reinvented the wheel! most of the functionality is drop standard with a decent distribution system
They reinvented the wheel! most of the functionality is drop standard with a decent distribution system

Name any fulfilment system which is capable of doing this locally - as an ecommerce platform you will have to integrate with each courier individually and adopt their way of doing business (i.e. no common standards).
Interesting Article.

There was an episode of Undercover Boss, where the showcased a company the does order fulfilment for their own companies, showing the the warehousing and fulfilment processes.

Undercover Boss (US) S03E07 Oriental Trading Company
Name any fulfilment system which is capable of doing this locally - as an ecommerce platform you will have to integrate with each courier individually and adopt their way of doing business (i.e. no common standards).

Whats an ecommerce platform? Each picking and generate cool reports, there is nothing complicated about that, this caters for a very small market.. You can't cant scale with custom built platform, sure you can make do what u want in the beginning.. Long term doesn't make sense from R&D point of view
Yes, it is a drop-shipping business. You will be able to do this with them directly or via (one of bob's sister companies, which has exclusive Shopify partnership for africa)

Cool man, so if i have online business, I can use them for stock warehousing and shipping, or is this more aimed at the large distributors ?
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