Beware of automated phone calls that sign you up to WASPs


MyBroadband Newsfeed
Staff member
Jun 28, 2017
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Beware of automated phone calls that sign you up to WASPs

An MTN customer recently contacted MyBroadband claiming to have been signed up to a WASP without his consent.

According to the customer, he continually received calls from a landline number and when he answered, it played an automated message telling the customer to “press 1 now”.
I guess cell networks make more money out of these thieves than normal customers, that’s the only reason they allow them to still thrive and rob their customers?
"They also showed MyBroadband screenshots of their call log, which shows a 12-second call from the WASP’s phone number. The MTN customer argued that the two audio clips provided could not have played out in 12 seconds. "
@Newsfeed was there a reply to to the above as it seems like a legitimate point.
I received that call. Starts with “press 1 now” and repeats it a bunch of times before the actual blurb starts. Went onto the block list. Is there any reason WASPS even exist other than scamming people?

I complained about this the other day. The calls goes something like this:

Press 1 now (delay 5 seconds)
Press 1 now (delay 5 seconds)
Press 1 now (delay 5 seconds)
Press 1 now to subscribe to getting ****ed in the ass every minute with a barge pole.
I complained about this the other day. The calls goes something like this:

Press 1 now (delay 5 seconds)
Press 1 now (delay 5 seconds)
Press 1 now (delay 5 seconds)
Press 1 now to subscribe to getting ****ed in the ass every minute with a barge pole.

Yep, that's exactly it. I don't see how this could possibly be legal. They don't identify themselves or anything when the call starts.
Yes, please share all your contacts' details with an unknown 3rd party - and without your contacts' approval. Thanks, that's probably where the WASP got my number from in the first place!
This is MTN's own spam. They already have your number... and for Truecaller being an unknown 3rd party just lol.
how many people actually want to use these services, is there a demand for them
"They also showed MyBroadband screenshots of their call log, which shows a 12-second call from the WASP’s phone number. The MTN customer argued that the two audio clips provided could not have played out in 12 seconds. "
@Newsfeed was there a reply to to the above as it seems like a legitimate point.
16 to 17 seconds in first before "press 1" is mentioned. 4 seconds into the 2nd. That is 20 seconds. vs a 12 second call. Great story MTN!

A question: As per the ECT ACT 2002, Sect 45, we are allowed to know where these people got our details. How do we enforce this right if the cellular providers blow privacy hogwash in relation to legit queries after receiving these, never allowing you to determine this? Will MTN share it? @rpm @Jan
Mine was way different. It went as (no random background music to indicate it was an ad or promo).

Press 1 now (dead serious voice)
Press 1 now
Press 1 now for an urgent message
Press 1 now
Press 1 now to subscribe to flirtnet for R5 per day and flirt with sexy singles in your area (after about 23 seconds)

And I was waiting for authorization from medical aid so thought it might be them for a second but click bait immediately came to mind and decided to listen through for the scam part. Phoned my parents to warn them.
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I really wonder where TrueCaller gets all their details? Oh wait ...
Please note that no other contact information other than the phone numbers and thereto attached names, Google ID’s and email addresses will be collected and used from Your address book.

We find these little gems all over that page. I could post more, much more, but then I'd be accused of copyright issues.

Since you may get lost again:

Reading helps. It really does.:X3:

Why don't you show it to me since you brought it up?
I've had this press 1 bollocks call a few times. The wording and way it's spoken has been specially designed to trick people, no ways is it legal.

But then again I have never received an automated call that was a legit phone call to me personally, ie not spam. So the minute I hear automation I'm 99% sure it's bs, I listen for a few seconds just in case it is in fact somehow a legit call and then I hang up.

They do the maths, actuaries can work out the odds, make 5000 robo calls per day, get 100 hits/2% return rate on calls and each hit is a recurring income generator. They work out the automation costs for the calls and "content" delivery, the amount of monthly hits that will be generated and BANG you have a guaranteed winner on your hands.

Only thing you have a master after that is being shady slippery and slimey as heck because people are going to be coming for you. And as we know WASP's are specialists at those characteristics because that's really the core skillset that is required for them to be in business and stay operating.
Reading helps. It really does.:X3:
Touché. Talking about them sharing it with anther company like a WASP as alluded to by phaktza...

Yes, please share all your contacts' details with an unknown 3rd party - and without your contacts' approval. Thanks, that's probably where the WASP got my number from in the first place!
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