Budgeting apps for managing Christmas spending

Hanno Labuschagne

Staff member
Sep 2, 2019
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Budgeting apps for managing Christmas spending

After a tough working year, it can be easy to let the festive season take control, overindulge in the December cheer, and spend too much of that hard-earned end-of-year bonus.

To prevent a reality check in Januworry, MyBroadband has selected three apps to help users budget their bonus and enjoy financial peace of mind this December.
I thought the apps were gonna tell us where to spend our hard earned money. Not budget. Who wants to budget. I didn’t work all year just to budget. I wanna blow my money and be happy doing it.
WTF, just spend it all ASAP and worry about it later/make it someone else's problem later. Or plan your kak, you're and adult ffs.

Do we need apps that remind us to breath and take a shiit?
There are (many) okes out there use water reminder Apps so yeah I’m sure some okes need these budgeting Apps.

Last I checked your body will tell you when you need to drink water. What did people do before those Apps existed? Die from dehydration?

Good ‘ol Excel is still the OG wrt any form of budgeting.

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