No dont do this... Just use your SDA and the extra thats already R1m to R10m per annum per person with little effort. If you have more than that, you dont need this thread.Relatives overseas?
1. Dump all funds in your current/savings account;
2.. Open bank account in selected country;
3. Buy plane ticket (and take maximum allowance in traveller cheques);
4. Swipe card for every single expense that relative would normally incur, eg school fees, groceries, booze, car maintenance, entertainment, etc.
5. Relative reimburses all your payments into above-mentioned account;
6. Return home with very depleted bank account
... says a friend ...
Krugerrands are not really useful in taking money out either since you havent takem anything out of SA by buying them, and you have a serious issue getting them on an airplane. Besides the top of the annual allowance is already more capital exported than I can carry in Krugerrands... If you just want to hedge the rand but keep money in SA then there are lots of options, gold being just one small option in a massive pool.