Clarkson’s Farm – A review

Damn beers are expensive in blighty land, R129 to R152 a pint.
"The bar serves beer from Clarkson’s brewery, Hawkstone, costing £5.50 to £6.50 a pint"
If you live and work in the UK, beer is cheap and affordable. Due to inflation it will be a problem for paupers though. But, paupers should not be allowed to drink in any way because they do not know how to work with money. Currency will prevent pauper countries residents from making a living there, which too is a good thing as you do not want your pauper population to increase in a time when you are trying to rid your country of them.
Hawkstone is not a cheap beer, it’s Clarkson’s own brand.
I can go to my local Spoons and buy a pint of Guinness for about £3.


A Spoons lacks character and atmostphere. Its basically a room to have a drink with friends.

The nicer pubs charge more but have character, and of course Hawkstone is a smaller brand which means it costs more due to the economies of scale.

We are also not going to Clarkson's farm or pub just because they are a farm or a pub, and he knows that. He is a smart man who has set himself up to make a lot of money just from his name. His adoring fans (of which I count myself as one) are prepared to spend a bit more, drive out to Oxfordshire, and stand in the queues.
Me, I'm excited. Can't wait. Binged all 3 seasons in 10 days and would highly recommend.
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