Dimension Data executives accused of fraud allege the judge relied on hearsay and ruled without allowing a full trial

Daniel Puchert

Staff member
Mar 6, 2024
Reaction score
This makes it stink even more. They mounting a Stalingrad defense like Zuma.
- So all of them received the emails but not any one of them wrote it? And someone forgot to CC in old Watson? Then none replied and said this is wrong?
- And we as members of the mafia are not responsible for what the mafia does?
Pull the other one.

None of you should have been near this in any shape or form? Why them and not the whole and every member of Dimension Data being involved? Because there was an intent to defraud in a criminal syndicate.

PS: This deal look very similar to the fronting done in the SITA deal.

I did not steal the cow even though it is your cow and its in my kraal. You have no proof that the cow didn't find its way into my kraal on its own accord. It just walked in without me knowing. And how was I to know it was not my cow?
Knowing full well who directors really are as people, it is likely this lot is as guilty as sin, I trust the courts will come to the right conclusion and I trust the directors will also be declared delinquent to stop them from rinsing and recycling which is the top Director game in the country.
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