Honorary Master
My neighbour has electric fence that borders one side of my property. When I bought my house I notice a tree on my property growing through the fence, was worried until I saw all his trees growing through it as well.Are you worrying about the ability to put the fences supports onto the vibracrete? Just making sure.
eehelolfire is partly correct. Electric fencing is a deterrent but primarily also a perimeter alarm (since the siren should go off when there is a disturbance with the pulse sent through, if siren not attached and working its pretty useless), that can be linked to house alarm thus armed response if required.
One has to have multiple level of security to approach 100% effective since 100% is difficult and VERY costly to reach with one system. 3 different type system of 90% effectiveness would give you 99.9% effectiveness.
So start with the electric fence but you also need to physically secure (security door and bars) the house and/or at least the sleeping zone (remember smoke alarm/s to wake you in time if there is a fire).
Other effective systems are perimeter/outdoor sensors like roboguard or the ones that integrate with the house alarm. Windows and door alarms sensors. Dogs. Lighting. Armed response.
I still want to cut my tree but not sure what do to.