By your narrow definition, private health insurance is also socialism,
Yes he overdoes this. Socialism exists everywhere. Eg public funded roads, police, fire department and armed forces.
the healthy subsidise the sick,
Yes that happens in any insurance scenario.
NHI has a much wider reach
We have the state health care system.
, hopefully a large enough tax base
One can't build things on hope. Rationally you don't have a large enough tax base. Years of racist policies in the past (under the Nats) and racist policies under the ANC have contributed to this. Years of corruption, brain drain, demoralisation, infighting and all the other problems. With a huge portion of the tax payer base being government employees and others on grants, we don't have a tax base which can fund the NHI, unless you do away with everything else I suppose.
which we do not have right now. Implemented properly,
If people were kind to each other, if we sang Kumbaya, then we'd all have success and cure for cancer by the year 2000.
It does not work because there is no money. Staff in hospitals need years of difficult training and people don't want to work for peanuts after that. Medicine is expensive. Equipment is expensive. It's usually paid for in US Dollars which the ZAR is getting weaker every year against. Most meds and prosthetic devices (eg cardiovascular stents, artificial joints, etc) are imported while most meds are developed overseas and cost money. Already SA enjoys a lot of developing world pricing. The same drug in SA made by the same company costs less in SA than in say North America and even EU, never mind generics. So SA already enjoys a big handout from the developed world.
There are places where successful implementation has brought down costs and given citizens real decent coverage and given real beneficial outcomes.
In these places, eg the EU and UK, they still have private medical insurance where you can be see private hospitals (my non South African EU physician aunt would work in one) if you want better outcomes.
In SA they plan to control i.e. remove the choice from people as to their own healthcare and as healthcare is a fundamental human right the gov here is breaching the UN's own charter here.
What SA is doing is pure tyranny. We have fatcats in gov who are literally playing with peoples' lives and enablers such as yourself who either don't understand things or disingenously or cynically promote this terrible endeavour. SA is not able to run a piss up in a brewery, yet you believe despite all evidence to the contrary here in this one field there will be an exception. Except people will die because of this. Don't play with other peoples' lives and what they do with their lives, how they spend their after tax money and how medical practitioners who devoted years of hard study, how they may or may not work.
What's next? Lack of safe transport so everyone must sell their better car to get the cheapest of the cheap for everyone? Homes with more than one bedroom are also an injustice. A family could stay in each bedroom, there are people living in shacks, they all deserve housing.