Durban water woes continue....

@Vorastra Maybe of interest but this is the "southern system"


Northdene 1+2 supply mostly Malvern, Bellair etc and are downhill so both pump and gravity. Firwood is a two fold system: one receives water via pumps from Northdene and uses gravity distribution in the lower/middle hieght areas with the second being fed by a direct inlet that gets full via saturation of one. The second has booster pumps to move water to the higher elevations but those only kick in once the second has reached a mark of around 3m. So what happens often is that there is a knock on effect, especially loadshedding where there is not enough water saturation in one to help get the second to that 3m mark which means high elevations site with no water whereas someone literally 5 housed downhill may have but with low pressure.
@Vorastra Maybe of interest but this is the "southern system"

View attachment 1665727
Is this an actual Umgeni Water diagram, or did your councillor oke actually draw this up for you guys lol

I remember a few years ago, when we had water issues, I was trying to find the system for us. I came across the Umgeni Water site that actually had 500+ page PDFs of fully drawn out diagrams with pictures of reservoirs and pumps, and so on.

I'll see if I can find it again.
Is this an actual Umgeni Water diagram, or did your councillor oke actually draw this up for you guys lol

I remember a few years ago, when we had water issues, I was trying to find the system for us. I came across the Umgeni Water site that actually had 500+ page PDFs of fully drawn out diagrams with pictures of reservoirs and pumps, and so on.

I'll see if I can find it again.
This was dumbed down but it matches what I've seen from other diagrams as well. Its trying to give a laymans explanation of the system because folks tend to think its like electricity that can simply be switched on and off. No understanding of flow, pressure and pump impacts which all come into question during problems or loadshedding.
Is this an actual Umgeni Water diagram, or did your councillor oke actually draw this up for you guys lol

I remember a few years ago, when we had water issues, I was trying to find the system for us. I came across the Umgeni Water site that actually had 500+ page PDFs of fully drawn out diagrams with pictures of reservoirs and pumps, and so on.

I'll see if I can find it again.

Please, that looks like a proper Kosmik paint diagram...

Councilors don't know how to use Paint like that

If you want a proper full layout, the system is diagramed in the GIS system tho
Please, that looks like a proper Kosmik paint diagram...

Councilors don't know how to use Paint like that

If you want a proper full layout, the system is diagramed in the GIS system tho
pfft paint, I didnt make that one but I reckon its more visio with the shapes :ROFL:

I overlayed mine of a google map one and highlghted the areas with elevation and roads impacted.

The problem isn't lack of information or identification of the issues.
pfft paint, I didnt make that one but I reckon its more visio with the shapes :ROFL:


Please, nobody who makes crappy diagrams like that is paying for Visio, and also managing to get straight lines and curved lines in the same diagram... that is magic :p
Please, that looks like a proper Kosmik paint diagram...

Councilors don't know how to use Paint like that
Maybe he has a really dedicated councillor. ¯⁠\⁠_⁠(⁠ツ⁠)⁠_⁠/⁠¯

If you want a proper full layout, the system is diagramed in the GIS system tho
Yes, the GIS has pipe layout but doesn't really show you overall flow direction, pumps, and reservoirs. I'm surprised how detailed they are with electricity, right down to the streetlights.

Unless it's been updated in the last few years?

See, no real info.

1708676417525.png 1708676494476.png

Like I said, I prefer it for electrical, I mean, they even show the streetlight fuse boxes lol


@Kosmik Each are about 200 pages. Volume 1 is overall, Vol 2 is the Mgeni system specifically.

Here's the Umgeni water infrastructure plans PDFs.

It's not these ones, but I had a PDF a few years ago that literally listed every pump house, and reservoir, and the stats of each for KZN. How much it could pump and store and so on.
And of course I can't find it now...

pfft paint, I didnt make that one but I reckon its more visio with the shapes :ROFL:

I overlayed mine of a google map one and highlghted the areas with elevation and roads impacted.

The problem isn't lack of information or identification of the issues.

Please, nobody who makes crappy diagrams like that is paying for Visio, and also managing to get straight lines and curved lines in the same diagram... that is magic :p
LibreOffice Draw :sneaky:
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Yeah true, the GIS system is merely a physical overlay of infrastructure, but you can in some ways infer flow and such from it.

As for it being updated, well umm yeah no it hasn't been for nearly a decade so its only about 70% accurate these days
Yeah true, the GIS system is merely a physical overlay of infrastructure, but you can in some ways infer flow and such from it.

As for it being updated, well umm yeah no it hasn't been for nearly a decade so its only about 70% accurate these days
Well niether has our water system to be honest :p
Yeah true, the GIS system is merely a physical overlay of infrastructure, but you can in some ways infer flow and such from it.

As for it being updated, well umm yeah no it hasn't been for nearly a decade so its only about 70% accurate these days
Probably . The other 30% is either stolen or broken.
Worse this morning, two full wards and more without now.

Good morning
Water update
Moseley/Northdene/Escombe and Malvern
I have spoken to the head of the water department, Ednick.
The booster pumps at Durban Heights reservoir 3 are not running again and have affected the southern aqueduct.
Northdene reservoirs are not receiving water and, in turn, have stopped water to Firwood reservoirs and others. This has affected the entire southern areas. I have made strong requests that the southern aqueduct be changed back to Durban Heights reservoir 2.
I have requested tankers and am waiting for allocation.
I have requested that the city get a statement put out from Umgeni Water and or put one out themselves.
Kind regards,
Cllr Chris van den Berg

Good morning
Water update
No, good news at all, I am sorry to have to say.
The southern aqueduct has crashed again and has put us back to square one, with empty reservoirs.
I have strongly requested that the City and Umgeni Water put out a statement explaining what has been happening and how and when they will resolve the situation.
Last night we were at a point where the high level pump could kick in and then the whole southern aqueduct crashed.

Literally stuff was just recovering .....

Day 8 for some.
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Continues.... Day 9.

Many have written to the HRC, various news outlets but we still sit.
Water stopped in Shallcross around midday. Think we're fed from Northdene. Not sure.
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