This is why SA will always have power problems and load shedding... regardless of the number of new builds come online there will be more issues and problems that will be blamed on apartheid/whites/jan etc. Loadshedding is here to stay, it will only get worse over the years no matter how much money is thrown at eskom. Rand will continue on its fall down the ****ter, economy will continue to shrink, growth will continue to tick down until there is nothing left. The white man over seas will continue to see adverts of 'feed x number of africans for x dollars/pounds', the white man continue to 'donate' to building dictators palaces. The white man will be called in driving their UN trucks handing out food to the starving millions in SA, just like the rest of africa. Doesn't matter if it takes another 10 years or 50 years... it will happen, and white man will be blamed.