Fibre price face-off in South Africa following Openserve wholesale changes

Hanno Labuschagne

Staff member
Sep 2, 2019
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Fibre price face-off in South Africa following Openserve wholesale changes

A fibre price war has started in South Africa after Openserve announced major changes to its wholesale offering.

Openserve is South Africa’s biggest fixed broadband provider and covers over 2.4 million households with fibre – either directly to the home (FTTH) or the cabinet (FTTC).

The network provider also has plans to provide fibre-to-the-home to its entire FTTC footprint, which is great news for current DSL subscribers.
Openserve is South Africa’s biggest fixed broadband provider and covers over 2.4 million households with fibre – either directly to the home (FTTH) or the cabinet (FTTC).
In terms of FTTH customers - I though Vumatel was the biggest:

Vumatel overtakes Openserve as biggest fibre-to-the-home operator in South Africa

Having cable in the ground and not connecting home users is a metric of an underutilised network.
Hello mybroadband can you please do me favor.
Do an article on "Herotel" which is small towns FNO and ISP running close network.
Ask them about their ambitions?
2 years target?
Why closed network?
Why they opt for bandwidth throttling over capped data offers?
Which area's are next when it comes to coverage obligations?
Do they cover every human settlement within that coverage radius or they only cover certain human settlement only?

I ask because it seems like they are roll out infrastructure in massive scale within northern provinces especially: North West province but problem is closed network and bandwidth throttling why not just offer capped data with no bandwidth throttling


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its such a farce .... new vuma mweb 20/20 price is 849

as an existing customer they only dropped it to 949 ....
so how do i get the 849 price?
So no free upgrade for Cool Ideas 10mb customers
...fibre price face off only on Openserve. You don't see Vox Telecoms following suit with Frogfoot which is a company they own.
It's a bit misleading. Openserve never bothered to trench where I stay, so it is a choice between unstable Frogfoot, or Vumatel (who I would like to move too in July 2021, but they're expensive).
Price war? Really? It's about time.
If Openserve (Telkom) is ever cheaper, it's probably a mistake.
Don't worry though they'll "fix" it soon enough.
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