Fixed-line Fight-back

30bn in infrastructure ...
They're going to lay cables everywhere and thereby force SNO to use their cables.
And ... that 30bn is our freaking money they're spending.
Great plans Telkom, WOW! I'm looking forward to the future as a proud South African. I'm not going to ask how much I'm going fork out for all these nice things, BUT what I want to know is "WHEN ARE THE CURRENT ADSL PRICES COMING DOWN?"
It all looks very pathetic if you think about the fact that they could have done this whole excercise in 2001/2002 already. They must be really scared of loosing customers to the SNO :)
anyone see any mention of the proudly south african company's commitment to universal access in there?

take a bow DoC
Is it a case of too little, too late?

Or maybe it's just another load of hot air and waffling?

Or maybe somebody did some sums, and somebody else made a mess in his pants, and started ordering things to be done?
And another quote:

Consumers may have to wait a while, though, before WiMax services are launched. Msimango says Telkom won’t be hurried. “I’m not going to rush my team to go to market if I’m not convinced it works properly,” he says.

Translation: We're going to squeeze every last Rand out of overpriced ADSL/Diginet services before we're forced to lower prices.
Ok Ok I'm sorry for the quoting here's another:

While consumers in the cities demand ever faster access, Telkom still has to meet the challenge of wiring up SA’s more rural areas. Here, the company has adopted a very different technology strategy. In the late 1990s, to meet its licence conditions, it built a digital enhanced cordless telecom (Dect) network. The strategy didn’t prove particularly successful, with many of its clients switching to cellphones and others simply disconnecting because they couldn’t afford to pay for the service.

So basically he's saying here that Telkom has failed their licence conditions!!! SO WHY DO THEY STILL HAVE A LICENCE!?!?!?
Correct me if I'm wrong, but Eskom (one of the SNO shareholders) have been putting down fiber along with power lines for probably 5 - 10 years now?
Well no mention of prices though...inless prices drop this investment will be one big white elephant.... the people who can afford current broadband rates are NOT in the region of their 1m target...
It all reaks of a PR excersise, with a very non specific time line. It will probably take them until 2016 to even start to get it off the ground, and by that time all the technology will be outdated, and redundant. It will also clearly come at an extremely high cost (true to the typical Telkom model), looking at this quote"
The technology will be made available only where there is demand. Areas that will be served first include business districts and up-market residential areas, such as Pretoria East and Sandton, where there will be demand for media rich content.
Areas that will be served first include business districts and up-market residential areas, such as Pretoria East and Sandton, where there will be demand for media rich content.

They have been busy for the last 2 months in my town with a 30M upgrade to the infrastructure. This is a fact. Its also a fact they are 2000 orders behind for ADSL, they did not expect the uptake to be so large for a relativly small town. Its a fact that they will not drop prices, because they cannot handle the workflow they have at current prices, let alone making adsl cheaper.

When i can afford adsl ill be happy, untill then ill just listen and do nothing, as all south africans do.
This report is great for one reaspon only, its a nice technical plan of what they want to do. The is no comments on pricing of these services and how expensive the newer service will be & ofcause how whats happening with the international access pricing etc.

In short, it looks a way to justify costs by showing oh so new inovative expenses to provide better services. But i don't get detered.. I want cheaper prices.
If I understand correctly as well, that R30bn investment is not restricted to infrastructure only within our borders either.
Anything telkom says, along with anything any South African company says, goes into the "I'll believe it when I see it" file.
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