Former ICASA Councillor Tracy Cohen Joins Neotel


Senior Member
Nov 3, 2005
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Neotel's big catch
Highly respected former Icasa councillor Tracy Cohen will join the country's second national fixed line operator Neotel from September 1 as its executive for regulatory affairs.

Cohen left Icasa at the end of June after a four-year term. The industry considers her departure a big loss to the regulator.

She might have been respected but let's not forget she was part of ICASA during probably the most ineffectual four years of ICASA reign.
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Good for Neotel. Skip I think you're probably being a little unfair. Cohen was one of (originally 6 or 7?) councillors (iirc there are now 9 councillor spots). Not everyone at ICASA is useless and incompetent- Cohen was one of the good apples at ICASA.
Cohen was def one of the good apples at !CASA, and had her head screwed on right it seemed.

Great catch for Neotel, but her experience will be missed at !CASA, at least by the people in this country who have a clue about what needs to be done there.
I agree with Debbie. Cohen did her best in a bad situation - she is very knowledgeable about the telecoms regulatory environment and was not bamboozled by the operators in hearings. A very big loss to ICASA and a big gain to Neotel.
Eish everyones going there...
I passed up my opportunity, wonder if I can get it back...
I agree with Debbie. Cohen did her best in a bad situation - she is very knowledgeable about the telecoms regulatory environment and was not bamboozled by the operators in hearings. A very big loss to ICASA and a big gain to Neotel.

That's exactly it, she did her best in a bad situation, and as I understand it, she's also saved iCASA from many (additional) potential embarrassments. Notably, Cohen has always come across as a person who actually did things; the same cannot be said for many of her contemporaries. iCASA will no doubt feel her departure.
Nice catch by Neo. She will have all the experience she needs when dealing with the ICASA :)
Ms Cohen the Brightest Spark in ICASA

Heres my view of ms cohen.
When i attended hearings at ICASA. She was the only one that questioned the Telecom Operators intelligently.

She is a dam smart women in the Telecoms field that Icasa has LOST.

A CoNSUMER CHAMPION that was never allowed her way !

If she was chairperson then we would have had dramatic changes in the Telecom World in SA ?

U will be missed !

DxL - Mobile
and documents discovered in the altech court case indicate that the relationship with her erstwhile employer is very strained...

the point she makes about neotel's objectives and those of the regulator being aligned for the short to medium term is a good one - it is all about getting effective competition regs in place, finalising strong interconnection and facilities leasing and making specific interventions into call termination and carrier preselection & ms cohen will be very effective at keeping ICASA honest

i think it is good for her, good for neotel, pretty good for consumers and bad news for telkom & the mobiles

Once again someone worthwhile snapped form Ic@cs@.

So the question is, can we afford a regulator thats more c@c than they already are? Where will Ms Cohen be more effective? Fighting for our consumer rights with the enemy or with the official opposition to telscum?

Think she has the know-how to maybe do a good job at Neotel, know the loops and procedures to maybe push Neotel ahead. Would be interested to hear what she gets up to...

If Ic@cs@ can't respect her then she will find it elsewhere, and they most probably will pay better than our pretend-regulator.
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