Here's how a MyBroadband reader got their WhatsApp account back after it was hijacked


Jul 29, 2021
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Get your hacked WhatsApp account back

South Africans who have had their WhatsApp taken over by a hacker or other malicious party can regain control over their account relatively easily and quickly.

A MyBroadband reader recently had their WhatsApp account hijacked after falling for a phishing attack.
The first mistake here was trusting a "Well known contact" without verifying anything, No one accidentally sends you an OTP out of no where. If my closest friends or family sends me a request like this, I would 100% verify it first via other means to confirm. Anyone that is not very closely related, would get told to re-do whatever they are doing and send the code to the right place

People are way too relaxed with personal security measures online
Now tell Huawei users how to get Whatsapp working on Huawei devices.
Shared his OTP? As jy 'n sucker wil wees moet jy maar gesuig word.
anyone ask you for an OTP just reply 696969

The first mistake here was trusting a "Well known contact" without verifying anything, No one accidentally sends you an OTP out of no where. If my closest friends or family sends me a request like this, I would 100% verify it first via other means to confirm. Anyone that is not very closely related, would get told to re-do whatever they are doing and send the code to the right place

People are way too relaxed with personal security measures online
Dear VBS user,

You need to FICA by COB this Wednesday.
Please follow the link below to submit your FICA documents:


It is your responsibility to ensure that you submit the documents on time.
Failure to comply will result in your VBS account being disabled.

VBS Head Office rep
Koent Jansen B. Scammer
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