Home Affairs minister: "System offline" should be a swear word

At the very least the Home Affairs offices located at bank branches should be allowed to use the bank's IT infrastructure to get online. As I understand it Home Affairs (or SITA) have refused to allow them to do this, hence the same connectivity problems at the Home Affairs bank branches as at normal Home Affairs offices. This really could be a quick win for them. I'm sure the banks would be more than happy to provide access to internet connections. It makes them (the banks) look bad every time a Home Affairs bank branch goes offline. The general public doesn't understand that at the moment the banks are nothing more than landlords for Home Affairs, they have nothing to do with the IT problems that Home Affairs has.
There are several factors affecting the occurrence of downtime with DHA, and the internet connectivity isn't really the issue. Yes, there are some ancient diginet connections leased through SITA, but even improved throughput won't solve the downtime - it will certainly reduce the cost, but the reliability issue is somewhat more complicated than the idea that it's the network connection.

The good news is, there is a team working on this and I can confidently say there is progress, has already been changes, and there will still be further significant improvements.
At the very least the Home Affairs offices located at bank branches should be allowed to use the bank's IT infrastructure to get online. As I understand it Home Affairs (or SITA) have refused to allow them to do this, hence the same connectivity problems at the Home Affairs bank branches as at normal Home Affairs offices. This really could be a quick win for them. I'm sure the banks would be more than happy to provide access to internet connections. It makes them (the banks) look bad every time a Home Affairs bank branch goes offline. The general public doesn't understand that at the moment the banks are nothing more than landlords for Home Affairs, they have nothing to do with the IT problems that Home Affairs has.
Chances of the bank letting the government use their internet/infrastructure is 0
Schreiber- you're a new broom. Give it a year and your bristles will be all fcked up and bent. Give it 3 years and you'll be looking for an escape. The ANC will run you ragged.
They should just let the security guards run the place. If it wasn't for them home affairs would have completely collapsed by now.
Schreiber- you're a new broom. Give it a year and your bristles will be all fcked up and bent. Give it 3 years and you'll be looking for an escape. The ANC will run you ragged.
The previous Minister established a team last year to review DHA systems; the Minister may have changed, but the team is still doing its thing. Slow and steady.
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