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Behold ! Pet Feeder v3. Actually, it's v2 but it feeds three fleabags where v1 fed two....and v3 just sounds better ! v1 was Pi based. v3 is ESP32 based

3x servo's which trigger sequentially so as not to overload the power supply. In a stall state these suckers can draw 6W.
Timed feeds twice a day.
A hard button on the back to manually trigger a feed if the bowls are low for some reason. A soft button is also included.
Feed amount can be varied.
Both a soft button push, and varied feed amount can be controlled via HA or by phone / tablet ( it's just a webpage rendered by the ESP )
The hoppers hold a combined total of 11L or a full 2KG bag of food

Pet Feeder (Medium).png
Behold ! Pet Feeder v3. Actually, it's v2 but it feeds three fleabags where v1 fed two....and v3 just sounds better ! v1 was Pi based. v3 is ESP32 based

3x servo's which trigger sequentially so as not to overload the power supply. In a stall state these suckers can draw 6W.
Timed feeds twice a day.
A hard button on the back to manually trigger a feed if the bowls are low for some reason. A soft button is also included.
Feed amount can be varied.
Both a soft button push, and varied feed amount can be controlled via HA or by phone / tablet ( it's just a webpage rendered by the ESP )
The hoppers hold a combined total of 11L or a full 2KG bag of food

View attachment 1761574
For perspective, this was v1

2021-10-31_PetFeeder (Medium).JPG
Behold ! Pet Feeder v3. Actually, it's v2 but it feeds three fleabags where v1 fed two....and v3 just sounds better ! v1 was Pi based. v3 is ESP32 based

3x servo's which trigger sequentially so as not to overload the power supply. In a stall state these suckers can draw 6W.
Timed feeds twice a day.
A hard button on the back to manually trigger a feed if the bowls are low for some reason. A soft button is also included.
Feed amount can be varied.
Both a soft button push, and varied feed amount can be controlled via HA or by phone / tablet ( it's just a webpage rendered by the ESP )
The hoppers hold a combined total of 11L or a full 2KG bag of food
I love it! Is it your own design or based on something you found?

Care to share more design details?
I love it! Is it your own design or based on something you found?

Care to share more design details?

This version is mine. But it's based on the well healed interwebs use of cereal dispensers as pet feeders :)

The original page I used to make v1 is no longer loading images ( I have it PDF'd if you want to see it ). The short of it is you grab your dispenser, attach a continuous servo to the impeller, and write / get some code to make it turn.

As mentioned above, v1 was Pi based and ran the software in a docker container. Fast forward a few years and that approach was no longer flexible enough for our need as well as the updated software proving flakey. So I moved over to an ESP with which you can do pretty much whatever you want to

The electronics run off a single 5v power supply ( the twin socket AC is for "just in case" future use ) scavenged from v1. The case is plumbing fittings, conduit, screws and an unhealthy relationship with my glue gun !

The code will likely be truncated if I attempt to share in this post. It tends to work properly in private messages. So if anyone wants it, just ping me

Rear View (Medium).png

Internal (Medium).png
So enhancements
- add a camera and motion detector so that you can see if a pet actually eats something?
- add a sensor underneath the bowls to see if the bowls are there?
So enhancements
- add a camera and motion detector so that you can see if a pet actually eats something?
- add a sensor underneath the bowls to see if the bowls are there?

Lol. Our cats are pigs in fur. They eat everything and anything all day long !

I did have a ToF sensor sensor on v1 for a short while. It measured the food height and once it passed a threshold, I'd get an alert on our Magic Mirror. That was a test as the feeder was going to go into another room which is a bit outta sight outta mind. Ultimately it has ended up staying in my office where I can see it. So that feature would have been moot

I really like your idea around the bowls. Maybe using some ultrasonics. Referencing the above, if it would have been super cool if the feeder were in another room

Mirror Alert.png
I've seen them somewhere, but for the life of me I can't find them.

Looking for a wall switch, either battery or 220v, that can control multiple devices wirelessly. So basically, it has no outputs that need to be hardwired.

I have an empty wallbox I'd like to repurpose to control multiple devices (e.g pool pump, entrance door latch release, garage door, etc.)

Something like a NSPanel won't work well because of the angle - and its a bit overkill.
I've seen them somewhere, but for the life of me I can't find them.

Looking for a wall switch, either battery or 220v, that can control multiple devices wirelessly. So basically, it has no outputs that need to be hardwired.

I have an empty wallbox I'd like to repurpose to control multiple devices (e.g pool pump, entrance door latch release, garage door, etc.)

Something like a NSPanel won't work well because of the angle - and its a bit overkill.
Perhaps some zigbee buttons (scene buttons)?

I've got the philips hue tap dial switch. Works great I've got 2 dimmer switches behind it and it can controll both.

or something like this:

I've seen them somewhere, but for the life of me I can't find them.

Looking for a wall switch, either battery or 220v, that can control multiple devices wirelessly. So basically, it has no outputs that need to be hardwired.

I have an empty wallbox I'd like to repurpose to control multiple devices (e.g pool pump, entrance door latch release, garage door, etc.)

Something like a NSPanel won't work well because of the angle - and its a bit overkill.
You can also try the sonoff rf remote with the appropriate bridge

If you're integrating with HA, you could technically use any 3 gang wifi wall switch. You don't necessarily need one with the ability to decouple relays. For e.g. you can create an automation in HA that if wall switch 1 is turned on, turn on the pool pump.
What about the Sonoff Scene Controller? Runs on a battery and can be placed on any flat surface. It does need a compatible Sonoff device to act as a base station.

I've seen them somewhere, but for the life of me I can't find them.

Looking for a wall switch, either battery or 220v, that can control multiple devices wirelessly. So basically, it has no outputs that need to be hardwired.

I have an empty wallbox I'd like to repurpose to control multiple devices (e.g pool pump, entrance door latch release, garage door, etc.)

Something like a NSPanel won't work well because of the angle - and its a bit overkill.

You can also buy a normal smart light switch and use the blueprint, https://community.home-assistant.io/t/link-on-off-state-of-multiple-devices/460310 to sync the state of 2 switches. I use it for my hallway to control the light from both ends. One relay is connected and one isn't
I've seen them somewhere, but for the life of me I can't find them.

Looking for a wall switch, either battery or 220v, that can control multiple devices wirelessly. So basically, it has no outputs that need to be hardwired.

I have an empty wallbox I'd like to repurpose to control multiple devices (e.g pool pump, entrance door latch release, garage door, etc.)

Something like a NSPanel won't work well because of the angle - and its a bit overkill.

Thinking of Aqara most likely.

But as @hilt_ctn says any HA compatible wall switch can be used just don’t wire it up.

I have one extra gang on pretty much every light switch for exactly this reason.
My Home Assistant Yellow is ordered and picking it up in Poland at my brother's place when I'm there in a couple of weeks. Price comes in at around R2800 for the POE unit.

Still have to decide with Pi compute module I'm going to use, the one with the 4 gigs of memory should be fine for HA.
Any suggestions on improving my Docker Wyze Bridge + Frigate setup? From time to time, it will freeze HA. Not sure what is happening. I don't need super high quality, just want recordings of people + animals. I am running HAOS on a 6th generation i5, 8GB RAM, 256GB SSD + 1TB External USB HDD for recordings. No Google Coral.

Docker Wyze Bridge config file:

ON_DEMAND: false
WB_AUTH: true
MQTT: false
WB_USERNAME: adminuser
WB_PASSWORD: Yaaaaas123123!!@!@@@!

Frigate config file:

enabled: false

path: /config/frigate.db

enabled: true
- path:
rtsp://username:[email protected]:8554/garden-camera
- detect
- record
enabled: true
width: 320 # Reduced resolution
height: 180 # Reduced resolution
fps: 5 # Reduced frame rate
threshold: 60 # Adjusted threshold for sensitivity
contour_area: 50 # Increased contour area for less sensitivity
improve_contrast: true
mask: 0.016,0.271,0.351,0.047,1,0.188,1,0,0,0
- person
- cat
- dog # Reduced object tracking list

enabled: true
- path:
rtsp://username:[email protected]:8554/boundary-camera
- detect
- record
enabled: true
width: 320 # Reduced resolution
height: 180 # Reduced resolution
fps: 5 # Reduced frame rate
threshold: 60 # Adjusted threshold for sensitivity
contour_area: 50 # Increased contour area for less sensitivity
- person
- cat
- dog # Reduced object tracking list

enabled: true
- path:
rtsp://username:[email protected]:8554/driveway-camera
- detect
- record
enabled: true
width: 320 # Reduced resolution
height: 180 # Reduced resolution
fps: 5 # Reduced frame rate
threshold: 60 # Adjusted threshold for sensitivity
contour_area: 50 # Increased contour area for less sensitivity
- 0,0.178,0.143,0.091,0.444,0,0,0
- 0.59,0,0.675,0.168,0.703,0.186,0.739,0.091,1,0.154,1,0
- person
- cat
- dog # Reduced object tracking list

version: 0.14
camera_groups: {}

enabled: true
days: 5
mode: motion
default: 15
mode: motion

type: openvino
device: GPU

hwaccel_args: preset-vaapi

width: 300
height: 300
input_tensor: nhwc
input_pixel_format: bgr
path: /openvino-model/ssdlite_mobilenet_v2.xml
labelmap_path: /openvino-model/coco_91cl_bkgr.txt
Last edited:
Any suggestions on improving my Docker Wyze Bridge + Frigate setup? From time to time, it will freeze HA. Not sure what is happening. I don't need super high quality, just want recordings of people + animals. I am running HAOS on a 6th generation i5, 8GB RAM, 256GB SSD + 1TB External USB HDD for recordings. No Google Coral.

Docker Wyze Bridge config file:

ON_DEMAND: false
WB_AUTH: true
MQTT: false
WB_USERNAME: adminuser
WB_PASSWORD: Yaaaaas123123!!@!@@@!

Frigate config file:

enabled: false

path: /config/frigate.db

enabled: true
- path:
rtsp://username:[email protected]:8554/garden-camera
- detect
- record
enabled: true
width: 320 # Reduced resolution
height: 180 # Reduced resolution
fps: 5 # Reduced frame rate
threshold: 60 # Adjusted threshold for sensitivity
contour_area: 50 # Increased contour area for less sensitivity
improve_contrast: true
mask: 0.016,0.271,0.351,0.047,1,0.188,1,0,0,0
- person
- cat
- dog # Reduced object tracking list

enabled: true
- path:
rtsp://username:[email protected]:8554/boundary-camera
- detect
- record
enabled: true
width: 320 # Reduced resolution
height: 180 # Reduced resolution
fps: 5 # Reduced frame rate
threshold: 60 # Adjusted threshold for sensitivity
contour_area: 50 # Increased contour area for less sensitivity
- person
- cat
- dog # Reduced object tracking list

enabled: true
- path:
rtsp://username:[email protected]:8554/driveway-camera
- detect
- record
enabled: true
width: 320 # Reduced resolution
height: 180 # Reduced resolution
fps: 5 # Reduced frame rate
threshold: 60 # Adjusted threshold for sensitivity
contour_area: 50 # Increased contour area for less sensitivity
- 0,0.178,0.143,0.091,0.444,0,0,0
- 0.59,0,0.675,0.168,0.703,0.186,0.739,0.091,1,0.154,1,0
- person
- cat
- dog # Reduced object tracking list

version: 0.14
camera_groups: {}

enabled: true
days: 5
mode: motion
default: 15
mode: motion

type: openvino
device: GPU

hwaccel_args: preset-vaapi

width: 300
height: 300
input_tensor: nhwc
input_pixel_format: bgr
path: /openvino-model/ssdlite_mobilenet_v2.xml
labelmap_path: /openvino-model/coco_91cl_bkgr.txt
How do you know it is Frigate and Wyze that is freezing HA?
Are they running on the same machine as HA?
How do you know it is Frigate and Wyze that is freezing HA?
Are they running on the same machine as HA?

Yes they are on the same machine. I need to do proper log checking, but HA has only frozen when using frigate with 3 cameras. I've been running for months without frigate and no issues, 2 cameras seems to be fine, only 3 when the issue occurs.
My pool pump was leaking, dropping 10cm a day, ended up running the pump on empty for who knows how long... now suddenly it just stopped leaking.

Anyone have a solution for making sure water is flowing through the pump? I was thinking of using a solar powered ESP - with a sensor into the weir - if its dry, send a message and disable the pump.
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