How much does it cost to get a gun license

Eish, not good news. Was sort of bargaining on a quick card print.

I've lost my S13 card. Well not lost, I know where it is, but it will take time/money to retrieve (fell into car's dashboard. ffs what a cluster), but my renewal is almost at the approved stage, so didn't bother with any temp anything.
Eish, not good news. Was sort of bargaining on a quick card print.

I've lost my S13 card. Well not lost, I know where it is, but it will take time/money to retrieve (fell into car's dashboard. ffs what a cluster), but my renewal is almost at the approved stage, so didn't bother with any temp anything.
I handed in my renewal on 28th May, got an SMS on 25th that it was issued. No card yet, but I don't really carry the S13 so it isn't an issue for me. Can you maybe get a printout in the meantime?
I handed in my renewal on 28th May, got an SMS on 25th that it was issued. No card yet, but I don't really carry the S13 so it isn't an issue for me. Can you maybe get a printout in the meantime?
Apparently they don't do printouts for renewals, only for new licenses, but I'll go try anyway once it's approved.

I do have a certified copy for now. And you have 7 days to produce the card if asked, so if the worst happens, I'll have to get out my screwdriver and get that dashboard open within those 7 days.
From the GOSA Facebook group, issues with competency at the moment
Hi All
Many of you may be aware of the situation concerning firearm training: the qualification expired on 30 June 2024 because the minister of education did not place it on a list of qualifications for extension.
The PFTC was appointed the quality assurer when the mandate was removed from SASSETA in 2013 due to the incompetence of SASSETA. This was tested and upheld in the Supreme Court Of Appeal and the PFTC mandate was upheld.
The QCTO and SASETA tried unsuccessfully to remove the mandate from PFTC in 2021 and ended up with a court order against them taken, it is to be emphasized by agreement.
Fast forward to 2024 and the PFTC had tried to have a new qualification accepted and to move forward with firearm training quality assurance. The qualification expired and the PFTC made an application to the minister before expiry to extend the qualification which was not answered.
As at 1 July no new enrolments for firearm training could take place which meant if you had not previously completed the training you could no longer do so and therefore no new applications could be made for competency certificates by anyone who had not completed the training before 30 June 2024.
The PFTC brought an urgent application to bridge the gap created by the failure to extend the qualification. This was vigorously opposed by the state respondents [ The QCTO, SASSETA and SAQA] on purely technical grounds such as a lack of urgency in the application. Be aware of this: none of these entities was forthcoming with what they had done to carry out their legal mandate and maintain a coherent educational system .
Put simply , this was suspicious and spoke to an undisclosed other agenda .
This afternoon, after argument, the presiding judge indicated he was going to grant in interim court order and invited the parties to present him with one.
The legal representatives could not agree because we asked for a simple extension of the status quo [ which is the purpose of an interim order] whilst the state representatives proposed an order that we believed was not in good faith and would allow the state parties to effectively disavow training after 30 June as valid.
After further argument , the judge accepted our proposal and extended the status quo until the minister makes a formal decision to extend or replace the qualification.
What happened afterwards was , in my opinion , shocking.
The state legal teams were , to put matters lightly , unimpressed and demanded that we all remain in court whilst they obtained instructions about an immediate urgent application for leave to appeal the interim order . Generally interim orders are not appealable. The whole demeanor of the state respondents changed when they effectively lost their challenge .
My interpretation of this conduct is that it was no mistake or oversight by any state functionary to not renew or extend the qualification , and such organs of state deliberately do not want any new training because this will effectively strangle firearm ownership: no new competencies , no new firearm owners.
It would seem another onslaught is about to commence against us.
Martin Hood
From the GOSA Facebook group, issues with competency at the moment

*This either means, no proficiency /competency / training blocking it, disrupting it, keeping it in courts etc, means no more new firearm owners. OR
there is a lot of money to be made by getting SASETTA (Government) to run it, so yes, losing is not an option as this will guarantee a very long milking scheme for the corrupt individuals involved, i.e gun control via administrative enforcement.


I got pulled over by the zaaps yesterday near hoedspruit. I wasn't speeding, because I was watching for game on the Kruger fence. This *****r grilled me for anything and everything he could obviously pushing for streetwise 2 money. After failing to convince me to give him cash he asked about firearms. I lied to himtold him I'm leaving and drove away. Not responsible, but I didn't want to get into it with him about hollow points or the fact that I was carrying my S15 pistol. What are the repercussion for doing this should that crook come after me?
Larry Marks says:
I have been involved in the QCTO / MINISTER OF EDUCATION PFTC matter. be afraid , if you support Firearm ownership. certain sector of the Government. are hell bent on reducing private FA ownership and taking down the security industry, the fa industry etc etc.

For a summary of whats going on tune in to this at 13:30
Live on X – Starts at 13H30

Premiere on Tac SHAC Tactical TV starts at 14H00

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I got pulled over by the zaaps yesterday near hoedspruit. I wasn't speeding, because I was watching for game on the Kruger fence. This *****r grilled me for anything and everything he could obviously pushing for streetwise 2 money. After failing to convince me to give him cash he asked about firearms. I lied to himtold him I'm leaving and drove away. Not responsible, but I didn't want to get into it with him about hollow points or the fact that I was carrying my S15 pistol. What are the repercussion for doing this should that crook come after me?

I'd imagine he would be too lazy to come after you especially if he knew you weren't susceptible to slipping him a few notes. But how you did you speed away? Did you leave him swallowing your dust as you wheel-spinned off or did you say "I've had enough of this, see you later"?

At least you can deny you were carrying a pistol if he never saw it.
I got pulled over by the zaaps yesterday near hoedspruit. I wasn't speeding, because I was watching for game on the Kruger fence. This *****r grilled me for anything and everything he could obviously pushing for streetwise 2 money. After failing to convince me to give him cash he asked about firearms. I lied to himtold him I'm leaving and drove away. Not responsible, but I didn't want to get into it with him about hollow points or the fact that I was carrying my S15 pistol. What are the repercussion for doing this should that crook come after me?
I believe it's best to be honest if a pig asks if you're carrying a firearm. Lying can create more problems. If they unlawfully arrest you, it leads to a substantial payout, although it would be a hassle.
I'd imagine he would be too lazy to come after you especially if he knew you weren't susceptible to slipping him a few notes. But how you did you speed away? Did you leave him swallowing your dust as you wheel-spinned off or did you say "I've had enough of this, see you later"?

At least you can deny you were carrying a pistol if he never saw it.
I didn't floor it and leave him in a cloud of dust. I just said to him, I've had enough and pulled away. I think the was shocked and just stood there.
If they don't ask you don't tell.
Got pulled over on the way to our last hunting trip. Pig tunes me where are we headed. I say Thabazimbi for the weekend. If I had told him we were on our way to go hunt he would have made me unpack everything.
aaa the card saga. My card was printed July 2023, till now not received.
I didn't floor it and leave him in a cloud of dust. I just said to him, I've had enough and pulled away. I think the was shocked and just stood there.

Well did he take down any of your details? But even if he did, what would the charge be? He didn't see your FA, you might be overthinking this, but honestly, he was just looking to make a quick buck.

As mentioned, S15 / S16 with hollowpoints, "one up" with a drum magazine if you want, and 10 spare magazines on you are all perfectly legal. :)
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*We are intensifying our efforts to remove illegal firearms from our streets and ensuring improved gun control measures. Legislation will be reviewed," he said.*

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