I was on SAA from Joburg to CT today and the crew were all so specific on electronics it was like they had just finished a morning of training. Usually every crew member is different and most are quite relaxed, but they have obviously been given guidance and were quite uniform in their approach today.
Put cell phone in flight mode, switch off for take off, switch on when seat belt goes off and it'll go straight into flight mode. They even read it out on the intercom like this and I overheard it being explained more than once to individuals.
It was also the first time they have been specific on ebook readers as well, reading out over the intercom to switch off and for take off and landing. I've been challenged once or twice before and have countered that 'the technology is the same as your digital watch' or 'sorry, it doesn't switch off.' Ok, I'm lying, but they don't know any different and it's a stupid rule anyway