Industrial/Commercial Water saving


Honorary Master
Feb 22, 2016
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So with all the panic going around with the drought, I have decided to start looking at saving water at the "factory" where I work.

For now I'm buying new water pipes with water saving fittings on. I will be getting some waterless hand sanitizer as well. In addition to this I bought a few mops as they usual rinse the floor with water, then scrub it with brooms, then rinse it off again, using quite a lot of water. That will be forbidden once the season starts, Everything will be mopped.

We don't use a lot of water normally but between end of January and around June we use quite a lot to clean in and around the building.

So, what are you doing at your company to save water? I am looking for some more ideas to use as little as possible water this coming season time.

Edit; All the info I find online is for households, and at home there is not a lot more I can save.
I poop in a plastic bag and throw it in the bin. My colleagues are so angry and on a witch hunt that I thought it best to rather not say its me.

I also dont wash my hands ever after being in the bathroom.
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