is 300mb for an iPhone4 enough for a month?


New Member
Aug 24, 2013
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I'm worried about 300mb not being enough per month for me on my Vodacom contract.

I doubt I'd really browse web sites that much, the apps that I'll run would be:

That's basically it.
Do you also have access to wifi? If so I'd say yes. 500mb lasts my wife two months.
I've got a 4S with 350mb a month and access to WiFi. I also run similar applications. I'm currently sitting on 900MB data and have started listening to my podcasts on mobile data.
I used to have 500MB on my plan, but only used about 250MB per month. Wifi at work and at home, so what went over 3G was mostly checking my mail/facebook/twitter while away from home/office, and occasionally using Google Maps (which accounts for a big chunk of the 250MB!).

That said, I avoided doing bandwidth eavy things like using the YouTube or Vimeo apps on 3G, and my provider disabled tethering and Skype. These days I have unlimed bandwidth, so I often listen to talks on YouTube while commuting. Usage is accordingly much higher - upwards of a gig, but that's really the only difference.
Isn't Facebook like 1-1.5MB everything you open it?

That eats my data ...and mail too. That said I use between 500-600MB a month with wifi evenings and weekends only ... So I suspect with 6 days a week you'll be fine
Just be careful with your data. Connect to wifi to save data and install data manager.
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