Putin critic Igor Gerkin arrested with no option of bail (unlike Lira) and sentenced to 4 years for "extremism" for calling for more harsher methods to "liberate" Ukraine.
Russian deputy head of security council Dmitry Medvedev and supporter of Putin no action
The deputy head of the Russian Security Council has said that Russia will use nuclear weapons if Ukraine achieves its goal in the war, i.e. reaching the 1991 borders.
Head of Russia Today Margarita Simonyan calls for Siberia to be nuked so as to show the world Russia means business, supporter of Putin no action
Russian deputy head of security council Dmitry Medvedev and supporter of Putin no action
The deputy head of the Russian Security Council has said that Russia will use nuclear weapons if Ukraine achieves its goal in the war, i.e. reaching the 1991 borders.
Head of Russia Today Margarita Simonyan calls for Siberia to be nuked so as to show the world Russia means business, supporter of Putin no action

Simonyan Crossed Herself As She Calls For Dropping Nuclear Bombs On Siberia
The propagandist said that she saw no other way out.