Land Cruisers electric conversion coming to South Africa


Who's the Boss?
Staff member
May 24, 2010
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The Rabbit Hole
Good. It's about time. Too bad that Toyota isn't doing this by themselves...they still want to make hydrogen happen
Now this is cool. There were already game reserves that adopted this electric conversions, very long ago. Cannot remember what country it was, but definitely one of the African countries. SANParks must have done it already, ages ago...
There is already an electric Land Rover in Sabi Sands. The current problem is that the wildlife are used to the noise and smell of the diesels but are still unsure about the electric vehicle. It isn't noiseless but is quieter.
Solar-powered 4x4s are changing game drives forever

For Sipps Maswanganyi, a safari guide with 20 years of experience in the African bush, it was one memorable sighting that sold him on electric safari vehicles.

“I could hear this buffalo panting heavily deep in the bushes,” recalls Maswanganyi, head guide at Cheetah Plains, a luxury outfit in South Africa’s Sabi Sands Game Reserve. Following those faint sounds, he found a 1,500-pound bovine on its last breaths, being taken down by seven stealthy lionesses. “If I was in a noisy diesel vehicle, I would have driven right past, not hearing a thing, and we would have missed it all.”
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