Terms used:
Blowout - uncontrolled release of gas or formation fluids from the well to the surface.
Christmas tree - collection of gauges, valves and chokes mounted on a well casing head. These are used to control the flow of oil and gas from the wellhead.
Drillstring - The column of pipe that transmits drilling fluid and torque from the top drive/rotary table/kelly drive to the drill bit.
Fluid impaction - refers to a situation where the flow of fluids (oil, gas, water) within the wellbore is severely restricted due to solid particles within a fluid (like oil or drilling mud) collide with and become lodged against a surface due to their momentum, typically occurring when the fluid is flowing through a narrow passage or encountering a sudden change in direction, effectively "impacting" against the surface and building up a deposit
Fracking - Is a slang term for hydraulic fracturing, which is the process of creating fractures in rocks and rock formations by injecting specialized fluid at high pressures into cracks to force them to open further. Fracking increases the rate at which water, petroleum, or natural gas can be recovered from subterranean wells.
Joint - A length of drill pipe, that is 30 - 32ft long. Joining a few of these pipes together, it becomes a drill string
Perforation - When an oil well is drilled to the desired depth, it is a question of accessing the reservoir oil and gas in the surrounding rock. To do so, one perforates or adds small holes through the casing (barrier that is added to prevent the collapse of the wellbore) of the well, creating a pathway for oil and gas to flow from the reservoir formation into the wellbore.
Scaling - Over the course of time, solid mineral deposits that form within the wellbore and production equipment. It usually occurs when dissolved minerals in the produced water (brine) precipitate, dissolved substance separates from a solution and forms a solid, and accumulate on surfaces. As a result, these deposits restrict the flow of oil and gas.
Tong - specialized type of wrench
Tripping pipe - refers to pulling "joints" of pipe back out of - or putting them back into - the well.
Wellbore - The drilled hole, including the open hole or uncased portion of the well, or the shaft that extends from the surface down into the ground, atop of which is the wellhead
Wellhead - the physical structure built above the ground, over an oil or gas well, essentially the point where the well connects to the surface, the wellhead's primary function is to control pressure during drilling and production through the use of the Christmas tree
Workover - The process of repairing or maintaining an existing well to restore or increase production.
Worm - An inexperienced oilfield worker